Tag: Brits

UK weather: Met Office fog warnings in full as millions of Brits face 5 hours of misery on Monday


Brits should take precautions when leaving their homes on Monday morning as some areas will experience dense fog which could cause delays on the road, the Met Office…

Topless Brits holidaying in popular Spanish destination targeted by posters and €750 fine


Spanish holidaymakers might want to keep their tops on if they want to avoid a stern talking to next time they start stripping off in the heat

Four in 10 Brits say their work-from-home space is ‘chaos’ covered in rubbish, cutlery and plates


FOUR in 10 employees admit their home working space is ‘organised chaos’, with empty snack packets, plates and cutlery, takeaway coffee cups and children’s toys cluttering it. A…

Injured Brits resort to DIY treatments to swerve long A&E waiting times


the badly injured resort to DIY treatments to swerve long A&E waiting times, a survey shows. Many have made slings for broken arms or chosen medication themselves. 2…

Brits urged to 'swap your collagen supplements for these two fruits’ as doctor shares


Countless people across Britain take multiple supplements every day, but one doctor is speaking out on the foods that could replace the often costly pills Source link

Hollywood famous person eats ‘unknown’ vegetable from any individual’s backyard and Brits are horrified


the video has angered enthusiasts (Image: TikTok/ Alicia Silverstone) ‘OMG NO!! Jerusalem Cherry very poisonous in the Nightshade family. Hope you are ok ,’ greeneyemonica commented at the…