Storm Helene: Deadly floods spread to more US states | BBC News


Torrential rain from Storm Helene has ravaged parts of North Carolina and Tennessee – the latest south-eastern US states to suffer in a disaster that has killed at least 63 people.

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more than 400 roads remain closed in North Carolina, where 10 people have died. Supplies are being airlifted to residents, state Governor Roy Cooper said.

Officials have continued their rescue missions with boats, helicopters and large vehicles to help those stranded in floodwaters.

The storm began as a hurricane – the most powerful on record to hit Florida’s Big Bend, and moved north into Georgia and the Carolinas after making landfall overnight on Thursday.

Although Helene has weakened significantly, forecasters warn that high winds, flooding and the threat of tornadoes could continue.

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  1. Blimey! Where does BBC recruit these boring newsreaders??

  2. Santos had climate change wording removed from law. He’s an idiot!

  3. DeSantis fefinitely had a grasp for the obvious!

  4. Let us help the affected peoples

  5. Weather weapons again.

  6. EVs aren't suited for floods, so be careful.

  7. God cannot bless those who refuse to be faithful stewards. All He can do is to permit Satan to accomplish his destroying work. We see calamities of every kind and in every degree coming upon the earth, and why? The Lord’s restraining power is not exercised. The world has disregarded the word of God. They live as though there were no God. Like the inhabitants of the Noachic world, they refuse to have any thought of God. Wickedness prevails to an alarming extent, and the earth is ripe for the harvest. – 6T 388.3

  8. "Hurricane Helene leaves 'biblical devastation' in North Carolina" –

    hey BBC –

    1. Believe it or not there are people reading your article who have never read the Bible.

    2. Nobody alive now has ever experienced Biblical devastation.

    3. The Bible never recorded what it was like for victims of the author's flood. We only have the account of Noah and four million species of animals, both male and female.

    If you wish to convey some special meaning to your headlines, using the Bible may not be your best choice.

  9. Good luck getting homeowners insurance in Florida.

  10. geoengineering, weather manipulation

  11. These floods are getting to more US states, prayers to everyone. It may sound off topic but I chanced on this cool translator that does everything and more of what a translator should have, name is Immersive Translate and one thing that can really help is it’s new feature, which lets you create a custom AI expert for translating anything. Thank me later, it's gold.

  12. Weather. U. Stop breeding or. Not , www. It,s. Too late. What has been. Will … [the. Watchmen ]😮. 😂😂😂😂😂. 😊. Reed. Breeeed. If. Yo. Want to. Go. Faster. 😊

  13. God power 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂God power

  14. God is punishing the world


  16. Trump: Drill, drill, drill.

  17. What USA government done on others

  18. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away. Matthew 24:37-39

  19. Welcome people stop dieng in the search

  20. Baltimore 1970's Korean fast food restaurant opened. Had yard full of dogs. New menu. Tastes like chickens

  21. There will be another powerful hurricane, dont know where in the planet



  24. Be safe and well fellow Americans🇺🇸
    Project2025 will remove federal help for individuals and businesses after natural disasters. Research and vote accordingly🇺🇸♾💙🗽

  25. Bro what is this thumbnail? Why is an old man wading through flood waters? Is he doing it because hes being recorded? Is it a publicity stunt? Why is the tv news crew not stopping him? Seems fake. Or maybe hes the white tai chi master practising his craft in the deadly surf? Make it make sense.

  26. Meh the water recedes, we rebuild. What can you do?

  27. I'm phoning in sick for work tomorrow with a bad dose of climate change.
    I better get another booster so I don't die suddenly from it.

  28. It's hurricane season in Florida and the southern States. I'm a brit lived in Tampa for years between August and October you either run the risk of being struck by lightening or being blown away by a hurricane. I even went and collected a pizza once in 80mph winds because no where was open and I was starving 😂😂 everyone was cuing outside .

  29. Assalamualaikum assalamualaikum alhamdulillah alhamdulillah insyaallah daku berharap pemerintah segera bertindak jangan makan gaji buta dan bantu Israel dlm kejahatan 😊😮😢😂

  30. Thats called karma when you support terrorists around the world to kill innocents

  31. As a Democrat
    Seeing the economic situation, food shortages, dangerously biased media, open borders, destructive liberal policies, taking away freedom from we the people while the elite do what they want …..           I'm ready to vote for any constitution loving candidate!!!

  32. Karma has no menu.

  33. Its gods will. Punishing the wicked.

  34. Hopes and prayers for everyone affected. 💙🙏💙💕🌊😔

  35. 😂😂😂😢😢😢😅😅😅

  36. Love and Light from Canada 🇨🇦 ❤

  37. Florida got a racist there is what you get

  38. We likely have hundreds dead. It’s bad bad. This is a very very preliminary estimate. We have a pregnant woman and two kids trapped in North Carolina, we don’t know if they’ll make it.

  39. Looks like Haiti 💀

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