Labour conference votes to reverse cut to winter fuel allowance in blow to Keir Starmer


The government has been defeated on a vote at the Labour party conference – on whether to reverse its decision to end winter fuel payments for pensioners.

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Sharon Graham, general secretary of the Unite Union, introduced the motion on the final morning of the conference in Liverpool.

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  1. Your headline is misleading, click baiting, that’s how professional Sky News is. This is not unbiased,informative information , in my opinion!

  2. People wouldnt begrudge Kier spending £20,000 on his sons accomodation for one and a half months??? For someone on minimum wage thats nearly a years earnings, where did he stay thats going to cost that much? A golden mansion in dubai? 😂

  3. £20,000 for 6 weeks accommodation … can't anyone one else see the corruption here ?

  4. Worse labour government ever .rob the poor .kill pensioners.& it will..disgraceful party .wot a wicket sure the hotels housing illegal boatMEN will be kept warm over the winter..

  5. What a sad country we've become , P.M. spent more money on a quiet retreat for his son to study than I get in 15 months pension. Ah well who cares ,well a union rep shows more concern . Thanks

  6. What a brilliant lady a real champion for the pensioners what about other union leaders join unite and stop funding labour untll they do what they said look after our old bullshit starmer resign

  7. Hopefully people realise that no matter what government is in charge they all lie

  8. I'm lucky because my son will make sure that I will be ok this winter, but he has his own family to support ,besides, his late father and myself didn't bring him into this world so that he would be a crutch for me in my old age

  9. Sanity at last and I'm Dutch!

  10. Starmer out

  11. Yeah, does it too busy? Pennies his own party people everything he bothered about anybody else’s as long as he’s not

  12. Starmer is a millionaire so he don’t need to take handouts . That must have been some accommodation 3 months for £20000

  13. Bribery and corruption is everywhere.

  14. Maybe starmer and the other cronies should be compelled to donate ALL donations and freeby kickbacks recieved to be Donated to the alledged " black hole". Along with reduction in tax kickbacks and increase in tax for the obscenely rich would disolve the alledged " black hole" much quicker than stealing from pensioners winter fuel subsidies.

  15. The vote means nothing, he wasn't there to hear it and it will not change the decision.

  16. When a government does not listen then its a Dictatorship.

  17. never a word of government spending less

  18. They should listen. To the Unions. And Martin Lewis.

  19. The only decent labour MP was the Rt Hon John Smith QC who unfortunately died in 1994.

  20. This disgusting guy won’t be PM by Xmas.

  21. They are ALL sociopathic crooks who are in it for themselves! The colour of the tie is all that is different!

  22. The final nail in Labour's coffin will be the October budget.

  23. This is bad news. Very bad news.
    We were depending on those damb pensioners to do their bit for Britain. 😮

  24. So if pensioners die of the cold, do Doctors put on the Death Certificate, killed by Labour or killed by the Government, they already told us when in opposition that the Tories were going to remove it and a Labour study says 4,000 would die of the cold if this money was removed, So is Sky news going to ask a Lawyer if those in Labour that voted for this be charged with Manslaughter or Premeditated Murder as they knew the outcome and they know that this will cause death in the elderly. So labour said they need to make tough choices and it seems the deaths of some pensioners is the first tough choice.

  25. But there ok with 18yr olds having a sex change…. And the rest………….

  26. Most probably paid to be there.

  27. Wonder if Starmer and his cronies will keep the heating of when it comes to winter? Oh, maybe not. Apparently, we pay for the bills in Downing Street. This man is absolutely disgusting. Hate,despise, and loath him and everything he stands for.

  28. Will Labour be forced to pay Winter Fymuel Allowance?

  29. Maybe Lord Alli would be generous enought to fill some of the black hole? Didn't vote for this Governent because I knew Starmer was a back stabbing Blairite neo liberal. Real socialists knew him for what he was! We needed Corbyn not this disgrace.

  30. we need to be patient…this prime minister will be gone…..because he has no glue or clue to align a policy….Rayner OMG nothing i can say even Starmer is worried. At the end of the day the people will win….we just have be sure its for best for People born in this country…VOTE OUT labour in the local elections that's where a lot of their power is. YOUR COMMUNITY

  31. Union leaders are part of the problem, they are too close to the Labour Party and they supported Starmer for the general election. Union bosses are also, in their own way, part of the establishment – their job is to divert and pacify the discontent of workers and negotiate social peace with the bosses. We need some real militant, autonomous, grass roots collective direct action and revolt and people need to completely reject this system and genuinely resist it.

  32. Well said Sharon Graham!!!

  33. Doesn’t just have to be taxing the rich what about the cost of migrants. The cost of net zero The list goes on.

  34. I support the LG as some pensioners don't need winter fuel allowance, but the poorer pensioners would still require allowance of winter fuel 💡 ⚖️

  35. Like they'll take any notice.

  36. Anti uk party

  37. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  38. Labour and Tories are two cheeks of the same arse.

  39. Agree with the changes. I pay enough tax for it not to end up in rich pensioners pockets!

  40. When the lunatics take over the asylum.

  41. Starmer can't afford clothes, spectacles, tickets, accomodation, his wife's clothes.. lucky to have a friend like Lord Ali isn't he ??

  42. Starmer is a hypocrite. He made a statement while he was in opposition claiming it was wrong the way pensioners were treated by the government. Every single time sunak was interviewed he claimed that labour would put income tax up if they were voted in. Starmer insured he wouldn’t.
    So in my opinion he is taking from the pensioners instead . Gutless.

  43. No way this grassroots reaction would be seen in Canadian politics, anyone who tries would be tossed from the party.

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