Flood warnings after heavy rain hits the UK


Flood warnings remain in place across the UK with a month’s worth of rain predicted to fall in 24 hours.

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Forecasters are warning of lightning, flooding, difficult driving conditions and delays on public transport.

Bedfordshire has been hit hard, with parts of the county submerged underwater.

Live updates: https://news.sky.com/story/weather-latest-uk-on-alert-for-significant-flooding-13220592

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  1. Drains have little to do with this problem, water can't flow up hill. It's the housing developers and planning authorities that are the problem letting these building practises continue!

  2. All these homes are worthless now in a flood zone.

  3. we can transport oil across countries, why can't we do it with water?
    i get there would be a massive expense, but how much would it save long term?
    could pump it to the driest parts of africa to store in reservoirs and take percentage of food growth

  4. Bill Gates did it Lolz!

  5. Every yeah it rains and every year places like this flood! So…why do people act surprised or think its unavoidable! Seriously at this point sue the council! Its their job to ensure the drains are sufficient, and they should be liable for any damage to private properties!

  6. Building on flood plains?

  7. Meantime in UK: "No "heavy rain"
    Why this panic? For the 'Climate hoax'?

  8. In 20 years living in my home, I have never seen a road sweeper come down my street. Never seen a drain cleaning lorry, never seen any maintenance at all. It’s just poor preparation by councils. It always rains heavy end of summer/autumn

  9. Oh no we lay nice waterproof tarmac and concrete massive areas of lovely absorbent fields,build houses on flood plains and be all surprised when it floods, cut all the trees and bushes down increasing chance of floods as the water is then flowing too fast to soak into the ground. The dams are too full of sediment build up so they can’t store as much water before having to discharge it.

  10. 3 days Rain problem

  11. England is concrete

  12. 😂😂😂

  13. Why does the reporter stand in the water looking stupid. Is it to portray empathy. MSM just gets worse.

  14. Building on flood plains.
    Not a good idea.

  15. Lets film in the only large puddle in the area hahaha

  16. It must be the climate change only the earth has been doing this for thousands of years what utter garbage

  17. If the rain was expected to be so heavy then why didnt they do something before?

  18. We have floods like every year. What’s been done. Well we got bike lanes. Cool.

  19. It seriously happens EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!!! how many times do these people think we forget lol 😂

  20. just waiting for other countries to have a whip round for us ,as we seem to pay for everyone else's floods

  21. Piss poor drainage systems. What are we paying a council tax for?

  22. Man, it’s wild how weather can just flip the script so fast! 🌧️ It's like we need a rain dance to bring back some sunshine. And yeah, those drains really need a wake-up call, lol! 😂 Stay safe everyone! 🌊

  23. with the geo engineering weather nice try with the lies from SKY and the media owned by george soros stop the lies

  24. Here in Scotland we’ve had a week of beautiful sunshine 🌞

  25. I saw residents with shovels removing leaves from the drains on their roads … where's the council ? what are we paying council tax for ?

  26. Only makes the news once it affects the home counties.

  27. Why do schools have to close because of rain, ? ridiculous 😅

  28. Was it really necessary for her to stand in the water????

  29. Autumn is not the answer. What the media are not talking about is the fact that Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption added fourteen percent more global-warming water vapour into the atmosphere and with the jetstreams all over the place, because other reasons that I will leave out, the mixed-up precipitation patterns are dumping large amounts all at once, what else can one expect but the extra water vapour to pour down in a biblical fashion…

  30. Joke of a summer then we get this, never seen it so dismal

  31. Saw a postie there – typical Royal Mail sending postman out in crazy weather, storms, floods and heatwaves then pretending to care about Health & Safety!

  32. What are we being fair about?
    Why do people start a sentence with "to be fair"?

  33. Very finny… Compairing to Poland

  34. Poor engineering

  35. The silted up rivers are also in need of deepening, ditches need reinstating and canals and drains dredging. I also think clogged up drains pose a weakness, though wonder if they are not so much blocked as suffering from backflow.

  36. Oh no!
    It's going to rain. In Autumn. In Britain. Oh, the humanity!

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