Labour: More investment into Britain is the ‘prize on offer’


Chancellor Rachel Reeves says Labour plans to “bring stability back” to the economy and “fix the mess” they’ve inherited from the last government.

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Ahead of her major speech at the Labour conference in Liverpool later today, the chancellor confirms that Labour will not be not raising income tax and national insurance in their October budget.

With the plans set to boost investment to the UK, she says there is “huge potential” for the country and “no end to what we can achieve as a country”.

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  1. No, she needs to specify the firlds like healthcare, digital Omni channels, tourism, logistics etc everything that was destroyed by lockdown

  2. We cannot improve economicaly while supply two wars… BIG lies… Again and again, just different frontal faces..

  3. I think it’s time to block sky with their right wing gaslighting bs

  4. Lies lies lies

  5. " No return to Austerity ", yeah, that's cos it's just continuing from when Labour started it 14 years ago

  6. I am in UK since 2007 and clearly I see now a country with more and better opportunities for everyone compared to 17 years ago. What I see is an increase of people not working and living on benefits, I am a cleaning manager and no one wants to work because they are on benefits and they will loose it if they work

  7. More lies, I lived under labour in the late 70s when they bought the country to it's knees and then Thatcher's government of hell. Do not trust any party or politicians, we do not need them, we have been gaslighted by the lot for years.

  8. Terror and anger. Labour brought us them.

  9. So they think foreign investors will invest in a country that starves its pensioners, taking heating money off the old who built Britain and giving money to unions to get it back as "Donor " money stinks and this will finish off these self servers.

  10. She didn't say anything just went into a feminist rant

  11. Im so impressed, Ive sold in my shares, recession is not far away. Markets will not believe this crap.

  12. Don’t be fooled austerity is coming how can it not be tax will go up to fill this 22 billion hole they have made

  13. Get used to not sitting in those seats Labour . One term Government.

  14. Totally lies and more lies by our weak and inept leader's… Who could not run a corner shop… And PR printed speeches mean absolutely nothing!!!!! Robbing from our poor weak and disabled is showing our society is failing under labour… Iv lives through 3 labour government's and they are all a absolute nightmare for our country.. 😮😮😮

  15. All bullshit 😒

  16. The crone has no chance of bringing stability back, taking money from people who need it, keeping the illegal migrants in the country and diverting much needed funds to pay unions and to foriegn countries to help with climate change won't help growth, in fact it will worsen. Labour's manifesto commitments have already been thrown in the bin, using the 22bil black hole lie to justify it.

  17. Excuse me, but isn't business are leaving this country and after the closing of another huge business leaving for India!!??… another BS statement…

  18. 😂 as a trolley full of goods are delivered to chancellor.

  19. Im so glad we are looking at the true end of the labour party as a political entity in britian. They are so increadibly out of touch and worse than the tories by miles, just pure incompitence. Shame the counntry is going to burn to the ground for the next 5 years but the silver lining is this is the end of labour.

  20. 😂😂 sure they will

  21. Lol they should be on stage

  22. Why do labour blame conservative for leaving a blackhole , was it not the same when they were last in power, they left this country in a right mess and it took the previous government years to put it right and just when thing were getting slightly better backwards we go again

  23. Whilst taking money off hard working people who happen to run a car, own their own home, have a pension and any savings. God forbid we inherit our parents home too as they will be lowering the inheritance tax threshold soon to rob already taxed estates of even more money. Does anybody actually admit to voting these crooks in?

  24. By getting the pensioners to support it by relieving them of their entitlements.

  25. 😂😂😂with the rate entrepreneurs are leaving!!!!😂😂😂😂😊

  26. She is correct. A stable economy is something people associate with socialist economic policy.

  27. The only prize Liebour are after are the ones that line their own pockets.

  28. I can smell it What is That’s the smell of BS come from labour goblin

  29. She hasn’t got a clue it’s only the working people that suffer MPs are ok because they don’t pay for anything all on the tax payers

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