Mother of stabbed teen urges stronger action on knife crime ahead of ban on zombie knives

A new ban on zombie-style knives and machetes will come into force in the coming week and a surrender scheme has been running in England and Wales encouraging people to hand them in and get them off the streets.

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But relatives of victims of knife crime have told Sky News they want further action to limit the availability of other weapons, such as ninja swords.

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  1. How about kitchen knives, steak knives etc?, so easy to buy and use in a wrong way.

  2. Her son was a gang member

  3. Disarming everyone before the invasion…

  4. Notice they only ever profile a certain demographic as the victim but never mention or question said demographic as the overwhelming majority responsible for the problem.
    The govern me harder approach should be outbound flights and not letting them in.

  5. knife crime should be charged as attempted murder if the victim survives as this is the extent that could happen. To many just charged with assault with a deadly weapon only

  6. SKY News, stop supporting t6rrorist groups in Lebanon


  8. Is this post also going to be deleted again. The parents and communities where these thugs are bred need to step up to their responsibilities. They don’t want the police doing their jobs. So the communities need to be the solution

  9. First they banned guns due to gun violence… criminals still have them and not caring. Then more common criminals start using knives and as result knife violence came to a rise… now they are banning knives… results criminals won't care theyll use whatever they'll get there hands on…

  10. Scotland has reduced its homocide rate over the last 20 years by 40%
    Google it and find out how.

  11. Starmer’s police are too busy monitoring social media activities

  12. Start jailing the parents of offenders, and if migrant deport

  13. Teach people kindness and responsible ownership of weapons.
    My heart goes out to the loved ones of people affected by violence and hate. God bless!

  14. We've had knives and swords for thousands of years. Why is it a problem since immigration? Don't blame the weapons. Blame the culture that thinks it's ok to use them in a fight.

  15. ✊️ Don't carry please…it's not cool, it's not hard …

  16. Thank God I'm in America

  17. Tougher sentences. Zero tolerance.

  18. It don't bother me to bad when people wants to ban guns with im against but no ban on knifes or swards.maybe teach people how to self defense against the thungs.

  19. What about hammers? Screw drivers? Motor vehicles?

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