David Letterman Says He’s ‘Excited’ Heading Into Jury Duty | TMZ


David Letterman is proud todo his civic duty … saying he’s “excited” about it as he made his way to court after being summoned for jury duty in New York.

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  1. Moore Maria Hall Daniel Young Michelle

  2. Wilson Melissa Moore Timothy Perez Michael

  3. Smith Jessica Taylor Robert White Frank

  4. I never would have recognized dave on the street He looks like a friendly Santa these days

  5. He looks like hobo.

  6. David Letterman should consider being Santa Claus for this Christmas coming. All he needs is a fat suit and a Santa Claus outfit.😂

  7. Gotta love Dave. He is not easily swayed.

  8. I have never sat on a jury. Never did jury duty. They don't pay me enough for my time. Pass. I have no "duty" to anyone or anything I choose. I have only a duty to my autonomy and independence. Not a state.

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