Merrick Garland denounces attacks, threats against Justice Department employees | full video


Legal professional Basic Merrick Garland addressed staffers on the Justice Branch Thursday and issued a condemnation of “an escalation of attacks” towards the section. Garland says conspiracy theories, falsehoods and ultimatum of original violence have endangered the Justice Branch’s staff.

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  1. This is the most powerful, sincere, and heartfelt speech I’ve ever heard in my lifetime—possibly one of the most profound in American history. 🥲

    I absolutely LOVE Merrick Garland with all my heart for delivering these words. He reminds me of everything I cherished about my grandfather, who has long passed. There’s no one alive today I admire more. Merrick Garland is a true symbol of integrity and human dignity. Our democracy wouldn’t survive without people like him. My deepest respect goes out to him and the entire DOJ!

    If this speech moves you even half as much as it has moved me, I encourage you to share this message with others.

  2. Arrogant Merrick Garland, who acts like a mafia boss, and believes he is above everyone, his fall will come when Trump rises to the white house, this is the reason why, the DOJ will nonstop be on top of Trump cases. DOJ'sJ boss is returning home again in January. Is then that, we will see if Garlan keeps singing the same song.

  3. Thanks to the current DOJ and all who are watching over the citizens of the USA 🇺🇸

  4. Garland never keeps his promises

  5. Garland Merrick is a disgrace

  6. We are so lucky to have Merrick Garland as the AG. Thank you, Sir, for the job you do. You stand for dignity, respect, and intelligence. We are so lucky as a nation to have you in our corner. Carry on!!

  7. 115 thousand employees who need their positions evaluated. This guy says the DOJ is not corrupt yet one of the top DOJ guys goes to NY to assist in prosecuting Trump. They rewrite laws to prosecute Trump and his supporters. Don’t fall for Garlands BS. We have lost our freedoms because of bad bad people like him. Where’s the prosecution of BLM and Antifa? Where’s going after the missing 300k plus children? It’s all about Trump which shows you the hand he’s holding. The DOJ needs a good house cleaning.

  8. Hello Deep State!

  9. Thank you DOJ and Merrick Garland. Stay true and blu3. 💙🇺🇲🙏

  10. Blue for True. Garland can get replaced. 🗣️💙

  11. How can he have political interference when its obvious he doesnt get any news.
    Certainly didn't watch the Jan 6 Select Committee or read report. Waited 1.5 yrs. to appoint Jack. Slaughtered Hunter cases and made Biden depose day of Isreali bombings October 7 -8.

  12. What did I miss on voter suppression indictments?
    Sad when no budget Nonprofits like Democracy Docket, ACLU, SPLC, CREW and others outpreforms DOJ.
    Hope this is his last speech as he retires soon. Get a manager DOJ for MORE than money cases. Democracy is at stake after J6.

  13. MAGA is going to get a rude awakening before the year is over.

  14. Says the guy who's weaponized the doj to the max. And his son Jack Smith. Dictator day one can't come soon enough.

  15. Still waiting on a single thing I can “like” him for…. He gives me the willies as much as Stephen Miller does.

  16. A massive hole has been blown through our systems of justice not mentioned here – One individual, the most powerful one in America, has been placed above the law by two, and potentially all three branches of the US government. Because of this, the rest of us and our justice comes in a distant second. It would appear that this all-powerful being and their supporters, can potentially override and do away with all justice that they determine is beneath them as a result.

  17. Your a dollar short and 3 years short. You weren't good for nothing in these 3 years.

  18. Thank you for guarding all of us and for guarding our constitution.

  19. I am grateful for your protection.hard work . time and knowing u will not get it one really knows what it takes for them to live their lives. Who is giving up a normal life. Separated from loved ones.risking their lives on a daily basis…list goes on…!! I have thought about this many times and I am grateful. I appreciate your sacrifices.God Bless you All😇🙏🫶

  20. Selective prosecution.
    Stop that !

  21. Thank you Mr Garland and all the staffers that work for the Justice Department. We are blessed to have you protecting us.

  22. I do hope Harris gets rid of Garland. He has done great damage to this country by allowing the (numerous) investigations against Trump to have languished for so long before a special prosecutor was assigned. This should have been done much earlier. It is ridiculous that an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon will have run for President and the people will have voted on him before the numerous other crimes he ("allegedly") committed, including theft and illegal retention of national secrets are tried in the courts.

  23. Merrick Garland will be charged with multiple felonies in the next administration for weaponizing the dept of justice and targeting political opponents. Accuse your opponents of exactly what you're guilty of is the democratic play book, aka their default plan. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍

  24. Garland is ONE of the biggest hypocrites in the democrat party.

  25. All nice words but they are coming from a coward!

  26. A good man.❤

  27. DOJ should start making arrests. Arrest corrupt election officers, judges first! They can share a padded cell with orange boy.

  28. Pretty sure President Biden never has to step down since we are in a war against Un-American activity by maga.

  29. It's amazing how he actually thinks anyone with an iq above 10 believes he and his gestapo are unbiased 😂

  30. Merrick Garland You name will be the history books.

  31. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  32. WONDERFUL SPEECH! I loved hearing him!!! THANK YOU!!

  33. I wish there were more people like Garland in the Supreme Court

  34. I don't see any need for appraisal for him. What has he done? Charged a few people for j6. Nobody of real consequence. How many years now has the instigator himself walkin free

  35. Merrick Garland IS the threat against real Justice

  36. Kamala Harris is going to dump you guys

  37. Him and his crew are sleeping they should be fired turn the moneys giving the people the right Justice and the FBI are playing too many games

  38. 😂😂😂

  39. The Depth of the State if you insist on that language, stands for the depth of experience, professionalism, objectivity, and dedication.
    DEEP NOT DERP!!! That is my POV. 🙂

  40. Did he chastise Chuck Schummer for directly threatening a SC Judge? How about all the radical leftist accusation attacks against Kavanaugh and Thomas and any Conservative.
    He and many of his cohorts have politically weaponized the Justice Department. And have ensured our crime rates climb.

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