Sister Wives: Watch Christine’s AWKWARD Run-In With Kody and Robyn (Exclusive)


In ET’s unique take a look at TLC’s ‘Sister Better halves,’ Christine has an ungainly run-in together with her ex, Kody, and his best too much spouse, Robyn, at a folk accumulating. The Brown patriarch admits he and Robyn are ‘suffering,’ day Robyn says that is the ‘worst’ they’ve ever been of their marriage. Robyn additionally stocks Kody doesn’t know who in charge following his splits from Christine, Janelle and Meri. ‘Sister Better halves’ season 19 premieres Sept. 15 on TLC.


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  1. In other words, Robyn is worn out from having to work extra hard at stroking Kody's ego now that she's the only one doing it. Karma baby! It's a bitch!

  2. I think Robin want to leave him

  3. They're making it up..they have no story line, so they're going to make it look like they are having issues.

  4. Kody’s ego is bruised because 3 of his wives smartened up. As for Robyn, well darlin’…be careful what you wish for because you’re liable to get it!

  5. He rejected them

  6. Everyone should reject Kody,what a sociopath……

  7. Christine acts likes she’s moved on but Kody clearly still lives rent free in her head. You’re married now, Christine. Why can’t you be friendly if you’ve truly moved on?

  8. I do not feel bad for either Kody or Robyn.

  9. Robyn wanted him, now she has him!

  10. Why would ANYONE watch this show anymore?

  11. Oh waa! He is feeling rejected! He acts he treated all the other women like Queens. Seems to me he can dish it out but he can't take it!

  12. If I could actually believe anything she said, I would wonder if what Sobbyn calls "sabotaging the relationship" is actually just Kody treating her as badly as he did his other wives.

  13. Christine is thriving and Kody is miserable with sobyn

  14. Janelle and Meri arene't selling their home. They have o rights to it. it is underwritten and paid for by TLC. The whole BS law suit is nothing but a storyline for ratings. TOC is involved in all of this.

  15. Robyn talks like a ventriloquist, she need to open her jaws and enunciate.

  16. Yes 2022 so old!

  17. Kody is too crazy

  18. Janelle in the photo in the end is so bad such a terrible photoshop job

  19. Kody, you are Robyn's Prize Possession and You Both Know It!

  20. Christine is annoying, always has been. We get it you are jealous, petty and immature. Yes, Cody is an A hole but when you have kids together adults or not, be minimally cordial so it's not awkward for everyone else.

  21. Really he sabotages relationships?

  22. He told Christine he never wanted to be intimate again and he told Merri that they could be married but only have a friend relationship… lol I think he REJECTED them Robyn

  23. The morally superior polygamists sure have a lot of vices.

  24. I want to know why they are selling their home in Flagstaff. Downsizing or some other reason.

  25. How sad is it to think My one partner isnt enough …i need more … One partner is not the best one or the one she needs to be put on a pedestial but you rather need More of them to make your selfish one complete

  26. Robin is delusional, Kody is in a situation of his own making. He rejected his other wives trying to work on their relationship, it was him.

  27. Was those scenes old? Because Mykelty looks bigger in this picture.

  28. I dont belive a word Kody or Robyn, just saying this for a storyline.

  29. He has himself to blame.

  30. She's in a good place. She's not a mature woman.

  31. Anyone else notice how much better the former sister wives look after dumping the duo that used them to pay their lifestyle.

  32. He doesn't know who to blame? That's the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard. He's good at blaming everyone but himself. I don't buy this struggling marriage BS for 1 second and I can't take another season of them sitting outside with pre selected scripted conversations. Can someone please make Kody and Robyn earn their money???

  33. No that would be mature Christine

  34. When did they come back? Because all I see is ninety day fiance on Sundays?

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