Lebanon: ‘Preparations’ in place to bring UK citizens back | Israel-Hezbollah conflict


Chair of the Defence Select Committee Tan Dhesi has told Sky News that preparations are in place to bring UK citizens back from Lebanon.

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It comes after the UK government told British nationals to leave Lebanon “immediately” amid a drastic escalation in Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah.

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  1. 1000s coming to swell the overflowing swamp ??

  2. Wonder why the Lebanon is so popular for holidaying UK citizens?

  3. Let’s not forget that places like Lebanon were Christian countries not so long ago and were destroyed from the inside by being populated by Islamic extremists over the course of just 30 years.

    The islamists turned on the populations that took them in and murdered them in cold blood.

    We have a duty to remove them from power and make sure this never happens again to another country rather than sit back and watch.

    The Islamic revolution in Iran is another prime example.

  4. They claim benefits in U.K. then go back to Lebanon.

  5. How is it there are 10,000 British citizens in Lebanon?

  6. Suddenly lots of 'UK Citizens' called Mo get transported to the UK….by plane, not dinghy this.

  7. UK government advises Brits in Lebanon to come home. How come they didn't advise Brits in Israel to do the same? Suggests the 'war' is a fiction and its actually a one-sided war of aggression.

  8. Their plan is now speeding up …

  9. UK citizens is a man in a turban ! or Arabs from the middle east.

  10. AH yes the dividends of supporting Israel.

  11. This is our Slough MP, completely useless at answering questions! Thank God I didn't vote for him…voting independent all the way!

  12. Cringe

  13. …and to let the Lebanon people to die Behind…?? Without doing a thing toward a PEACE treaty? Like for Ukraine ,always rejecting any PEACE treaty?…. Sick leaders in powers in this world , only driven by the US ?and the higher above them ?and the big Finance and domination
    When people will wake up and say STOP..?? Before World War 3 ..Nuclear occurs. It is OUR planet, OUR lives, not these sick leaders’

  14. "UK citizens"..

  15. I think Sky has its priorities wrong, what about the Jewish refugees forced to leave their homes because of the relentless rocket attacks from Lebanon.

  16. Sky hazs

    Sky has WHITE woman comentator,on business live,thought my tv had a fault

  17. How many dual nationals live there? About time the UK adopted the approach of other European countries – no dual-citizenship.

  18. We in england need saving from the muslim takeover, we have been taken advantage of due to human rights and European laws plus our left woke thinking damaged population. London and Birmingham are just 2 of the major cities take are 70% immigrant controlled and we need a government like Poland to fix it. Or worst cases scenario, russia to end our suffering and clean this mess up 😅

  19. UK citizens? I don't think they are our people somehow.

  20. From Britons to Citizens

  21. They're not UK citizens, they're Lebanese Nationals, fleeing a conflict. It's all good until it turns bad, then the UK is the place to be. My question is this: How come the UK is the only safe place on the planet? I'll take a stab at: Free Bank (Universal Credit), Free housing, a Car and holidays bunged in, just for good measure.

  22. I see all the racists here are having a little tea party in the comments below LOL.

  23. Lord (cough cough) Ali is a crooked criminal

  24. Lies lies lies

  25. What UK citizens? What a load of rubbish.

  26. They were told to get out. Common sense a few weeks ago should have said get out now! Not now crying British citizens caught out again, eh! British Armed Forces again rescue mission. All cry if left out or cannot

  27. If they live there haven’t they taken that citizenship?

  28. There will be quite a people claiming UK benefits scrambling to get away from Lebanon to the UK now the chance for the DWP to catch them.

  29. No thanks … its safer in Lebanon… ..

  30. When they say 'UK citizens' they actaully mean foreigners with UK passports

  31. Define "British citizens". As to be British you'd have to be indigenous to the British isles.

  32. None of them are English, Welsh or Scottish. Or NI.

    Why are they even there?!?!

  33. Like all the black islamist ''British'' that fled sudan…a war they started by the way.

  34. Man fearing for his son’s safety>> where and how do they come up with this crap..

  35. Keep asking and pushing it kay xx

  36. The 700 troops, border force and foreign office officials the UK sent to Cyprus on Wednesday will help contingency planning for a range of scenarios as the crisis in Lebanon escalates, the British foreign office reported on Thursday.

    “The military teams have joined the already significant UK diplomatic and military footprint in the region, including RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus and Royal Navy ships RFA Mounts Bay and HMS Duncan, which have remained in the eastern Mediterranean to support British nationals and allies over the summer,” the foreign office announced late on Wednesday.

    It added that the UK is sending £5 million to Lebanon to support humanitarian response efforts, where Unicef will distribute supplies to those in need.

    This move “comes as the UK also reopens the Register Your Presence service to support British nationals and provide vital updates”, it said.

    “The UK has been calling for British nationals to leave Lebanon since October 2023. Yesterday [Wednesday], 700 troops, alongside border force and foreign office officials, also deployed to Cyprus to continue contingency planning for a range of scenarios in the region.”

    The essential humanitarian support comes after further civilian casualties following air strikes in recent hours. Thousands more have been displaced or forced to flee their homes, the foreign office said.

    Essential medical supplies, hygiene kits and fuel for water stations, to help thousands of displaced civilians across Lebanon have also been sent.

    “It will also help emergency teams respond to urgent health and nutrition needs and provide a series of training sessions for key delivery partners and frontline workers to ensure an effective emergency response.”

    “The situation in Lebanon is deeply concerning,” said Minister of State for Development Anneliese Dodds.

    “While we continue to urge British nationals to leave and have launched our ‘register your presence portal’ to aid their departure, the UK will always be a strong supporter of the Lebanese people. That is why we are providing £5m to Unicef to support civilians who have been displaced and are facing a humanitarian emergency,” she added.

    “We need to see an immediate ceasefire from both sides to prevent further civilian casualties and ensure that displaced people can return to their homes.”

    Flights from Beirut continue to run and British nationals should depart on the first available carrier.

    The Royal Air Force also have aircraft and transport helicopters on standby to provide support if necessary.

  37. Can pronounce ceasefire but the pm cannot pronounce hostages 🤬🤬🤬

  38. Hold-up, why DIDN'T they have this plan ready to roll months ago, look at the USA withdrawl from Afghanistan, how the f are this Pleb Government only acting NOW!

  39. Grabblers at it again

  40. His worse than Borris and everyone can see so stop trying to justify it your just digging a bigger hole

  41. He doesn't want to mention the people killed where mainly Hezbollah terrorists funded by Iran .There are very few commercial flights

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