What voters think about climate change ahead of Election Day 2024


State alternate impacts a number of facets of American month — condition, economics, the elements and in all probability this autumn: politics. In keeping with a contemporary survey from the Yale Program on State Trade Conversation, 62% of registered citizens throughout events favor a candidate who helps motion on international warming. Anthony Leiserowitz, who co-authored the learn about, joins CBS Information to unpack the findings.

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  1. Where’s the ice age the climate experts said was coming in 1978? We are all supposed to be under 2 miles of ice and humans are suppose to be extinct.

  2. The climate crisis must be top priority for the whole World 🌎🌍!!!! All life on Sacred Mother are endangered!! From the first Nations!!! Peace on Earth 🌎🌍

  3. My grandfather told me in 1983 that in my time we are going to witness great changes the loss of ice in the Artic which will have World wide consequences of catastrafic dessators that when see these changes Mother Earth will have begun her renewal healing cleansing process prematurely because of man's disrespect and abuse of Sacred Mother Earth 🌎🌍!!!!!! His message and warning that we must protect what little ecosystems we have left his warning if we fail the catastrophic disasters will continue to magnify and qauntify to the point of apocalyptic cataclysmic disasters!!!!! From the first Nations!

  4. So force us all to drive electric cars. That’ll fix climate change. 🙄

  5. a.k.a. "some people have too much time on their hands"

  6. We're possibly on the brink of civil war and ww3 and this is what people care about? Lol

  7. Hoax. I think it’s a joke.

  8. Quick question, will taking a stand on climate change help the homeless and hungry?

  9. What a grift 😂 if climate change was real, Democrats wouldn't want to fund all these wars 😮

  10. I really wanted to hear what the lady wearing the Black Flag shirt had to say, but as usual the thumbnail was just click bait. It worked though bc I would never have watched this video otherwise!

  11. World Economic Forum propaganda agenda. Over 1500 scientists last year signed a document stating clearly that no climate change scientifically exists. Climate government weather modification DOES exist however.

  12. I wonder how much “green” energy sources are jacking up my electric bill. I don’t believe the main stream media is telling us the truth about so called climate change.

  13. About time someone in the media starts bringing climate change to the forefront. Thank you! And do it often please!

  14. Climate change is at the bottom of my concerns right now. I am for changing weather geo engineering though, quit spaying our skies with lithium and chemicals.

  15. The climate has been changing for billions of years, that's what it does.
    Taxing people into poverty won't change the weather.

  16. Propaganda.

  17. Two comments, not fourteen.

  18. Majority of voters like what runs the country… Oil, gas and coal.. No one likes starving before freezing.


    Bill Clinton left with a robust economy AND a balanced budget. In his eight years, "W" left with a catastrophic economic scandal. Like Obama before him, Joe Biden inherited a REPUBLICAN economic crash and restored the economy to prosperity. Conclusion–The GOP inherits the tailwinds for two years before their GREED overcomes the Democratic gains and the cycle repeats.


  20. Wake up people, this news outlet lies wayyyyyy more than they tell the truth

  21. Leave it up to this provider to push a narrative!!!! And i thought maga were the conspirator theorists……

  22. 1960’s: “We’re going to run out of oil in ten years.”
    1970’s: “We’re going to enter a new ice age.”
    1980’s: “Acid Rain – We’re all gonna die!”
    1990’s: “Ozone Layer’s Disappearing – We’re all gonna die!”
    2000’s: “Global Warming – We’re all gonna die!”
    2010’s: “Ocean Level’s Rising – We’re all gonna die in ten years!” (this is exactly why President Obama IMMEDIATELY bought a mansion on Martha’s Vineyard upon leaving office)
    2020’s: “Climate Change – We’re all gonna die!”

    ENOUGH with the f***ing ‘Chicken Little’ routine.

  23. Climate change has occurred for millions of years. It is NOTHING NEW. The geological record is abundantly clear with its marvelous clarity. Mankind's puny efforts will result in no change for the changes, they will occur with or without our efforts. Just damn!!

  24. In a nuclear war you'll have zero time to think about climate change

  25. There is only one candidate who believes climate change is not a hoax. Choice is clear.

  26. Misleading polls. How about polling how many people want funding of carbon sequestration technology?

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