Murders down 11.6% in US as crime remains key election issue


Murders in the United States are down 11.6%, according to statistics released by the FBI on Monday morning.


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  1. durp durp, fbi isnt politicized at all, i see nothing funny here, durrrrp

  2. Down in red areas.. way up in blue

  3. Murder is down, but crime is up.. like a couple days ago my tires were slashed.. never had that happen in my life scary world we live in

  4. 6 murders in one night in capital of California!!

  5. ABC is lying to everyone, violent crimes are not down…

  6. Bill Sh*t this is not believable!

  7. I've been watching the news closely for over two years, every station I can come across and this is absolute bullsh!t…. The fbi is full of sh*t. It's gotten substantially worse… This is hilarious. You cannot believe anything the government or news tells you anymore.

  8. FBI data.

  9. LIES! ABC is not credible.

  10. Does anyone actually believe this? Christopher Wray could get carjacked and the world continue to fall.

  11. Oh please. This is ABC, so you can assume that whatever they say, the opposite is true. 🙄

  12. This is the same as the "inflation is down" nonsense. Yeah, the left created a bunch of violence and inflation and now it's down slightly from the peak. It's still not down to normal levels (or less) when competent people were in power instead of Democrats

  13. Sounds like they have miscounted or aren't counting illegals. You expect Americans to believe your skewed numbers? Think again.

  14. Well I guess there are no good reason to pursue gun control. Glad to hear it.

  15. No one is ever going to believe a thing abc says again after the debate. This is the first time since then that I got into abc, and will be the last. Fake news. Trump 2024

  16. Keep spreading this bulls@it fake news morons.

  17. They aren’t reporting…they get funding pulled. Citizens are terrified.

  18. Yea no . Look at any crime stats for the US and it tells a different story

  19. ABC Fake News.

  20. 😂 really the report doesn’t include large key cities more lies

  21. ABC I no longer believe anything you report

  22. BULL PUCKY. STOP LYING. We all know that big cities are not reporting actual statistics.

  23. What murders?! We don't Murder in America.

  24. Lol the stats state that better policing and community engagement is largely responsible. Weird, almost like focusing in how crime is dealt with and community efforts work better than turning law abiding citizens into criminals with ineffective gun control.

  25. Lies😂😂😂😂😂 crime is out of control everywhere.

  26. They're lying. Murder is down because it goes unreported and unsolved. Don't ask, don't tell applies for police departments. Make the numbers look good and you'll be promoted.

  27. Companies leave cities like San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, etc. because of rampant theft and homelesssness

  28. they arent reporting it its another dem big blue city subterfuge, not even half the state report

  29. Will your numbers are only correct if you don't count the catch and release….. Funny how if you don't use all the participants of The math involved. As any bookkeeper or CPA will tell you the numbers can tell you anything!

  30. Is this an example of dis-mal-misinformation?
    DOJ records show otherwise.
    Also, is this the same FBI that investigated the Russian, Russia, Russian Hunter laptop?

  31. Violent crime is down in general. Easy to look up.

  32. horse chit!

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