North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson denies reports of disturbing comments


Republican candidate Mark Robinson says he’ll stay in the race for governor of North Carolina amid allegations of disturbing comments on line. Robinson has vehemently denied the accusations. NBC News’ Laura Jarrett reports.

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  1. Plain "unverified" (46 seconds) BULL$HIT…

  2. Mark Robinson is the epitome of MAGA. And the very sad part is that they are very proud of it. What a bunch of Hypocrites and Idiots.

  3. Mark was an esteemed Lt. Governor for 4-years and this is just now coming to light ? Yeah right folks ! The NC swamp trying to bury an outside threat ! Wake up people ! Keep NC Sanctuary FREE ! Mark Robinson NC Governor 2024 !❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Beginning at 36 seconds into this video clip the announcer clearly states, "NBC has NOT verified the authenticity of the posts." NBC is promoting lies generated by Democrat hactivists (hackers that use their skills for political purposes). NBC claims integrity in reporting the news, but the clip itself directly and very clearly admits that Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's "private email" was not private, they admitted it was used on other websites and all his biographical info was gleaned from online sources as well. Those with technological knowhow can use AI to generate comments to posts and those can be backdated to whatever date one wants. In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Robinson repeatedly denied that he made the comments on Nude Africa.“This is not us. These are not our words. And this is not anything that is characteristic of me,” Robinson said. “I’m not going to get into the minutia of how somebody manufactured this, these salacious tabloid lies.” It is common knowledge among techies and there are many YouTube videos to help beginners know how to back date posts on any website NBC, CNN and other left-leaning new sites join the infamous ranks of Tobiah, Sanballat, Geshemn Noadiah, and all the thugs in the Bible's book of Nehemiah–quickly read for yourself the account in Nehemiah chapters 2 through 6. If Josh Stein needs help from hactivists to manufacture tabloid trash to defeat Mark Robinson, then he is very desperate. Don't be swayed by any campaign ads conjured up by the media that use deception, manipulation, and slander. Refuse to be deceived by the Father of Lies. Josh Stein has already gone on the record to admit that 3 million people in North Carolina' were victims of data breaches in 2022. Of those 90% were done by hacking and phishing scams. Organizations and agencies reported 1,900 data breaches to the DOJ in 2022. Attorney General Stein was on the executive committee of a $391.5 million multistate settlement with Google over its location tracking practices – the largest state attorney general privacy settlement in U.S. history. Given ALL these facts, is is absolutely shameful that Josh Stein's campaign would write, ""North Carolinians already know Mark Robinson is completely unfit to be Governor.

    Josh remains focused on winning this campaign so that together we can build a safer, stronger North Carolina for everyone." Is Josh Stein really a man of integrity, if he would allow his campaign to use this attack against Mark Robinson for his own political advantage rather than publically rebuking it after his "strong stance" AGAINST hacking in the past? If you really want democracy, then DON'T allow hackers or the media to manipulate your views. Don't let them HINDER the chances of North Carolina electing its FIRST BLACK Governor!!!

  5. 0:14 Copium doesn't have any calories, but you wouldn't know it by looking at this weasel

  6. Real life Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks…

  7. This guy is a real FREAK. Are we going to normalize behavior like Trump's and Robinson's? How can so called Christian conservatives vote for this and look their children in the eye? Please vote this nonsense OUT this November!

  8. He'd buy a few slaves himself…….says all we already knew

  9. How is it and what is it about politics that it attracts so many ambitious, ugly, self-serving individuals who are so bereft of moral principle they would say and do anything to gain and retain power over people? And now there is Donald Trump and Mark Robinson.

  10. Is Mark Robinson more self-hating, power-hungry and dangerous than Samuel L. Jackson's character in Django? The reason Trump thinks he needs to be cherished like a fine wine, is because he is a self-describe "black nashI" , he has found a black guy who hates black people. Trump can't believe his luck.

  11. Not verified you say ?

  12. Robinson isn't flooding our borders and making buying things in my everyday life a struggle! There are many shady, disturbing democrats you could cover, but that doesn't suit your agenda. Just anybody who breaths support for Trump who started no wars, knew how to handle the other world leaders to keep us safe and kept our prices down, while also dealing with all the sh** nonstop from the left. Trump 2024!!!

  13. love Mark Robinson

  14. 0:37 LOL you didn't verify it but you posted it anyway??

  15. The self hate by these people is astounding…

  16. Let me see if I have it right to become a politician.
    It's "A.l" when I get caught online…and it's "fake news" when I get caught in person.

  17. "NBC has not verified the claims…"

    Sure isn't stopping you from running with it.

  18. Thomas Barbara Rodriguez Timothy Robinson Timothy

  19. He definitely wrote that stuff. He is squirming now. What a freak of a man!!! He is hateful, he is divisive and he is ignorant. Do not vote for him!

  20. Clark Christopher Miller Michael Thomas John

  21. Hernandez Matthew Smith Donna Taylor Steven

  22. Clark Jennifer Moore Larry Walker Shirley

  23. The pig that’s always squealing the loudest is the pig that probably has the dirtiest pigsty as with this guy 🤔

  24. Martinez Joseph Lee Deborah Davis Lisa

  25. Jones Melissa Hall Donald Clark Sharon

  26. Fake news as always cnn abc cbs nbc msnbc. Nothing they say is credible

  27. Davis Brian Thomas Richard Martinez Betty

  28. What TF do all the names on comments mean ?????
    Guess nothing better to say or do.

  29. Wilson Amy Moore Carol Johnson Christopher

  30. Taylor Carol Jones Paul Walker Michelle

  31. Perez Barbara Wilson Larry Lopez Deborah

  32. Wait. A shared screen name is proof he said something bad? Anyone can make a screen name. That's… not proof

  33. He is a psycho and a terrible man! If he post’s something than it must be true!!

  34. Busted Republicans

  35. I can’t wait for the stein landslide

  36. So the mass public is just going to believe the media without any verification or truth?

    This is literally silent indoctrination as democrats are willing to throw anybody under the bus including the fact he’s black and clearly being targeted.

    Where is everyone’s critical thinking thoughts?

  37. Hernandez Frank Lopez Carol Garcia Michael

  38. Same author as the steele dossier?

  39. Lol this is journalism 😂

  40. Border agents silenced – media is silent. Oprah was a disgrace – word salads, platitudes and cliches. Trump 2024 Didn't Dougie, Kamala's husband get the nanny Pregnant? Give us a break.

  41. Stay in. You have my vote.

  42. This dude is trash

  43. Lopez Timothy Jackson Daniel Martin Scott

  44. Miller Maria Perez Eric Allen Elizabeth


  46. There is neither evidence nor absence of evidence. I don't participate in cancel culture without evidence. He used the same username? What's the username? At least provide that. Otherwise I have to take MSM's word for it, and they have 0 credibility.

  47. Watch The United Spot

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