Hundreds of Hezbollah members reportedly injured by exploding pagers | BBC News


Hundreds of members of the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah have reportedly been injured after handheld pagers they use to communicate exploded.

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Lebanon’s state news agency said there were blasts in the southern suburbs of Beirut and several other areas. Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV also said many pagers had exploded, without identifying those hurt.

Videos and photos on social media appeared to show wounded men sitting or lying on floors and others being rushed to hospitals. Unconfirmed CCTV footage showed blasts in shops.

A Hezbollah official told Reuters news agency it constituted the “biggest security breach yet” since hostilities with Israel escalated 11 months ago in parallel with the Gaza war.

There was no immediate comment from the Israeli military, though the events come hours after Israel’s security cabinet made the safe return of 60,000 residents displaced in the north by Hezbollah attacks an official war goal.

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  1. Sad day for the BBC

  2. Are the pagers Made in China? Asking for a friend.

  3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅

  4. They were not hacked. This was a supply chain attack. Somehow, Israel was able to get altered pagers with embedded explosives distributed to Hezbola. Absolutely crazy difficulty.

  5. Not hezbulla fighters. Hezbulla terrorists.
    Bbc have you forgotten reality?

  6. The Israelis are truly horrible people.

  7. Old mossad is back

  8. thousands of civilians attacked by a rogue state who detonated there pagers harming innocent women, children and local buisness men is what i saw in the videos released bbc spining for the isralie state again impartial my arse

  9. BBC is upset with this…go wonder why, Jezzz you guys are very low

  10. I have one of them pages and it blew up on me but mine had a sign that says have a good day. I wonder if those had the same message from the gay people of America today Iranian people have a good day.

  11. they not Hezbollah members, you racist genocidal mouth piece, they killed a kid too. Shame on you BBC

  12. Be honest who's a little bit scared of their phone right now? 😂

  13. This is EMBARRASSING for Hezbollah. They are about to be ROASTED by their civilians! 💀 Did they let an Israeli opp sell them pagers or something? How does this happen??? This is gonna make family & friends of Hezbollah paranoid now and it will also make Hezbollah distrusting of each other. Israel is DIABOLICAL.

  14. Its a Samsung warranty issue! They turned on a new feature without testing it—or they tested it in the field

  15. Bravo Israel 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉

  16. Stone age vs high tech

  17. When you are the victim of American funded terrorism

  18. Brillant 🥳

  19. BBC in deep grief

  20. …During the period from 1941 to 1945, from 415 to 440 thousand Muslim volunteers of the following categories served in the German nazi armed forces (see Table 2):

    — Arab and Indian Muslims — 5 and 2 thousand, respectively;

    — Muslims — citizens of the Balkan states — about 115–125 thousand;

    — Muslims — citizens of the USSR — about 290–305 thousand people. [229]

    This is approximately equal to 22–23% of the total number of foreign volunteer formations and 2.5–2.6% of the total number of German armed forces during the period from 1939 to 1945. As for the percentage of Muslim and non-Muslim volunteers in each national category, it was as follows. Among the Arab volunteers, there were 100%, among the Indian volunteers – about 70%, among the representatives of the Balkan peoples – about 42%, and among the volunteers from the USSR – about 20%. With such a number of volunteers, it was possible to staff on average 34-35 German infantry divisions or divisional-type formations (see Table 4).

    In reality, the following units and formations of the German armed forces were staffed by Muslim volunteers either entirely or together with German (or other foreign) personnel.

    Arab volunteers (a total of about 5,000 people) were part of one special purpose formation of the regimental type, as well as 5 battalions (either separate or as part of larger units).

    Indian Muslim volunteers (a total of about 2,000 people) were part of about 10 of the 15 companies of the 950th Indian Motorized Regiment.

    The Balkan Muslims were distributed as follows:

    The Albanians (a total of about 60-65 thousand people) were part of 4 rifle regiments, 4 "fascist" militia battalions and 3 territorial police regiments. Most of these units were later disbanded, and their personnel went to staff the 21st Albanian SS Division "Skan-derbeg".

    The Bosnian Muslims (a total of about 55-60 thousand people) initially served either in the armed forces of the Independent State of Croatia or were part of local Croat-Muslim militia units (regiment/brigade). All of these units were later disbanded, and their personnel went to staff two Bosnian SS divisions: the 13th "Handschar" and the 23rd "Kama". In addition, one battalion of Bosnian Muslims operated on the Eastern Front from 1941 to 1943 as part of the Croatian Legion.

    Finally, the following units and formations were staffed by the most numerous category — Soviet Muslims:

    Volunteers from the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan ("Turkestanis") (a total of about 180,000 people) were part of 26 reinforced field, reserve, labor and supply battalions; 111 marching, supply, sapper, railway and road construction companies; the 303rd Infantry Regiment of the 162nd Turkic Infantry Division; and one battle group (regiment) of the Eastern Turkic SS formation.

    North Caucasian volunteers (a total of about 28-30 thousand people) were part of 9 reinforced field battalions; one battalion of the "Mountaineer" Special Purpose Formation; 3 sapper, railway and road construction companies; 2 fortress regiments; 1 battle group of the Caucasian SS unit; and a separate Sonderkommando "Shamil", consisting of three groups of up to platoon strength.

    Azerbaijani volunteers (a total of about 25-35 thousand people) were part of 15 reinforced field battalions; 1 battalion of the Special Purpose Unit "Highlander"; 21 marching, construction and supply companies; the 314th Infantry Regiment of the 162nd Turkic Infantry Division; and 1 battle group of the Caucasian SS unit. [231]

    Volga Tatar volunteers (a total of about 40 thousand people) were part of 7 reinforced field battalions; 15 supply, sapper, railway and road construction companies; and 1 battle group of the Eastern Turkic SS unit.

    Crimean Tatar volunteers (a total of about 15-20 thousand people) were part of 14 self-defense companies; 8 battalions of auxiliary order police; 1 mountain-jaeger regiment (later a brigade); 1 battle group of the Eastern Turkic SS unit; and also – as "volunteer assistants" – the 35th SS police grenadier division.

    From the book by Oleg Valentinovich Romanko,
    "Muslim Legions in World War II"

  21. They didnt knew it was writed on their paget best before 09/27/24

  22. This is terrorism. It's not ok just because Israel does it.

  23. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  24. Not Hezbollah fighters. Hezbollah TERRORISTS!

  25. hahahaha 😂

  26. God is always in control for Israel

  27. Hezbollah "fighters?" They're terrorists.

  28. Gardner " they are in civilain clothes". Of course Hezbollah and Hamas don't wear uniforms! That's why there are so many casualties in Gaza. You can''t differentiate who is a murdering terrorist and an innocent civilian. That's the whole idea, so the world thinks ONLY civilians are dying! And why does the Iranian Ambassador have a Hezbollah pager? I suppose the BBC are sorry for the poor "civilians" that got hurt 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😤😤

  29. Why isn't he wearing a tie?

  30. Exploding pagers? Mossad and Shin Bet collaborating with CIA and M16 confirmed.

  31. It's mossad or aman or the shinbet

  32. I think the coverage in this video shows to what extent the mainstream media is completely compromised. There is literally no better way to target a terror organization without collateral damage – and there is literally no other reason you could possibly be carrying a pager in this day in age (possibly only a few medical professionals left doing that).

    I ask those who read this, please wake up. You can see clearly that you are being lied to about what is going on in the middle east.

  33. Anything that happens to Israel enemies, immediately Israel is the cause. In the early days of The war in Gaza one of the enemy rocket backfired and killed 600 people at shifa hospital, immediately they blamed Israel deceiving the whole world including BBC. Now BBC does BBC verify. Now Pages blast in lebanon and suddenly it is Israel. So how did they get the passwords and reprogram the pages. The enemy themselves do it and turn round and blame Israel so as to cause international pressure on Jew's and look for a reason to fight. Just read Hamas documents. All hate. What exactly has Jew's done to Arabs? or specifically Arab Muslims? Meanwhile on the family level it is not so. Arabs marry Jews, we have Arab Israelis. They stay together. But at the political level just a few radicalised groups are being terror to innocent Arabs and Jews. Before war innocent Arabs work in Israel earning good money but now everything end all becks of politics. The innocent suffer for them. Iran and Israel were best friends until the revolution in iran then suddenly they hate Israel.

  34. Mossad is next level crafty

  35. With the amount of money involved u think they would have sampled the pagers with a security campany and taken apart for tampering considering that they modern devices.Fishy

  36. Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  37. The BBC is in mourning.

  38. Maskook banda with gun.
    Maskook banda seedha gand.

    Ye kon hain interpol france.(Person not das min)

  39. Doesn’t change Israel is the biggest evil

  40. proof of who the antichrist is with.

  41. Brilliant!

    You referred to hostilities between Israel and Lebanon. That’s a lie. Hezbollah are NOT Lebanese.

  42. 🤣😂😆

  43. Israel have the right to defend itself

  44. Mehfooz
    Mot cheeze (GUN)

  45. This is crazy. How can pagers even have such explosive components that can seemingly be triggered at will? My best bet is that it is an attacker that is the one who made and triggered the rigged pagers themselves, but I don't know…

  46. Why does BBC title focus only on Hezbollah members as if no civilian is injured ?

  47. FREE PERSIA, from the Islamic regime.

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