Why Kamala Harris is highlighting her gun ownership in the US presidential debate. #Shorts #BBCNews

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  1. So is this another U turn from Harris?.. didn't she campaign to stop the sale of guns in 2020.. 😂

    Well done BBC for miss some important information 👏

  2. Authoritarians on the left and libertarians on the right both own guns in the USA. I don't think either candidate is particularly fond of guns but they need to say they are to get votes.

  3. I still say Trump 2024. BBC =CNN.

  4. Yeah it’s the ones in power who want but others can’t have and bs like that but it’s the money that’s the problem. We spend our time on earth regarding money so that’s the root of major problems now. No further questioning. Seriously I’m so tired of people being blind

  5. I don't believe anything she says because she only says what elites want her to say. It's once again, laws/rules only apply to us "little" people, where as they can do it and get away with it. Why is her need to protect herself more vulnerable than my right to defend myself and my children. Rules for thee, just not people like the senator who pulled the fire alarm in the senate building right as they were in the middle of voting for something.

  6. Yulia Navalnaya and other Russian liberals are against the decolonization of Russia – claiming that the Yakuts, Chechens, Ingush, Dagestan peoples, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvash, Ossetians, Kalmyks, Circassians, Karachais, etc. — allegedly have a “common cultural context and background” with the Russian people.

    Since when do we have a common culture? We are incredibly different. Although regarding the background, I partly agree. After all, we have all been oppressed by the Russian people for centuries, considering them lumps, black-assed people and Chuchmeks. And even today, the Russian opposition (politicians) cares only about the Russian people, and did not give a damn about the indigenous small ethnic groups, in order to continue squeezing all the juice out of the national republics, diamond mining in the northern republics such as Yakutia, and oil production in the Caucasus in Chechnya, with this money sponsoring the war in Ukraine, the genocide of the Ukrainian people by this Russian world with imperial ambitions.

    Tell me that this is not so? Where then is the attempt of the Russian opposition (politics) to establish a dialogue with diasporas? Show us. You won't find anything like this. But on the other hand, you will encounter tubs of insults and disdain towards non-Russians and their culture.

    The same Navalny did not shy away from such words as chuchmeks, black-assed people, cockroaches, rodents, obscurantism (about hijabs), etc.

    Or Khodorkovsky, who promised to fight against the Caucasians if they dared to secede from Russia, since, according to Khodorkovsky, the Russians conquered the Caucasians, which means they should be under the Russian boot.

    We do not have any common cultural context and positive background. Just persecution by the Russian people, the destruction of our cultural values, language, mentality, religion, etc.

    So sit in your Muscovy on the stove, in bast shoes, with a balalaika, a hat with earflaps and a bladder under your bosom, and it’s time for the regions to float freely

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