Russia expels six British diplomats and claims they were spying


Russia’s FSB security service has said this morning it had revoked the accreditation of six British diplomats in Moscow, claiming their activity indicated they were involved in spying and sabotage work.

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The FSB said it had documents showing that a British foreign office department in London responsible for Eastern Europe and Central Asia was coordinating what it called ‘the escalation of the political and military situation’ and was tasked with ensuring Russia’s strategic defeat in its war against Ukraine.

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  1. i have a bad feeling about ww3..🤔 or has it already begin when russia invade Ukraine??🤔🤔..guess humanity will never escape fate. or is all wars in humanity caused by the small bunch of elites munipulating history???🤔

  2. Well it's under stammers orders if they've done anything

  3. No pics of the spies?

  4. "Russia claims "UK spies" working in Moscow".. well duh.. There will be Russian spies in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, China and they will all have spies in Russia, who didn't know this 🤣

  5. Of course, they are spies! It's just that the British have never look at their own mirrors all their lives. They hate to see their own hypocritical faces staring back at them! Hee hee!

  6. Can’t wait personally …

    Borders closed finally and we have hundred of thousands of fighting aged ILLEGAL migrants ready to prove their worth. 😏

  7. Surely if he doesn't want Moscow being attacked, it's a mistake to evacuate the British first?

  8. These days many people are bots. I think my neighbours might be robots.

  9. Imagine thinking "diplomats" do anything but spy on other countries.

  10. Why did we still have diplomat's in Russia?

  11. I’m surprised that the British embassy is still operating in Russia! I thought that everyone would have left already!

  12. Fair enough. Not really a story

  13. We should expel Reform in retaliation.

  14. Shouldn’t we be spying in Israel and gaining intelligence for the ICC prosecutions rather than spying on a country that should be our ally more than America. America has its heart set on destroying the UK economy and Ministers haven’t realised yet!

  15. What is the Russian obsession with the UK?!?

    It's so weird, like Russia is too chicken to make a big show of expelling US diplomats but they feel more comfortable picking on the Brits 😂

  16. Deport them immediately!… oh wait.

  17. Putin should focus on trying to get Kursk back. Oh yeah that's right, they ARE trying but can't do anything about it 😂🤣

  18. Russia is such a pathetic weak joke nowadays 😂

  19. Ukrainians and Russians are both part of the slav family. These 2 should have been left alone to resolve their disputes..

    However, NATO had other hegemonic ideas, which has led us to the brink of nuclear catastrophe on an unimaginable level.

  20. What MI6 thought it could outsmart the successor of the KGB?

    MI6 better focus on the transgender department.

  21. Not accused, they're on video.

  22. Thanks, Vladimir.

  23. Oh dear.
    Six cultural attaches exposed for knowing nothing about dance, opera, art whatever.
    Shock horror.

  24. Not surprised at all. UKs version of diplomats equates to spies.

  25. Poo tin is a dictator. He spy and sabotage in Ukraine before the war and during this war.

  26. East has resources.
    West has greed.
    Go figure.

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