Mpox vaccines arrive in DRC as cases continue to increase | BBC News

The much-awaited mpox vaccines are finally arriving in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

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As mpox cases continue to increase in parts of Africa, questions are being asked about how countries, if they can even get vaccines, are able store and distribute them.

Few facilities are up to the task as the vaccines need to be stored at particular temperatures.

A tall order in the worst-hit country, DRC, where the country’s health authorities face many logistical challenges.

The BBC’s Ian Wafula reports from a cold storage facility in Kinshasa as mpox vaccines start arriving in the country.

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  1. The elites back at it again I see.

  2. All scaremongering. DO NOT COMPLY

  3. Here we go again…

  4. So if we take this definition and narrative of what is considered terrorism and apply it to some armies, and what they do in the Middle East, and not others, what would that be called?

  5. Perez Daniel Gonzalez Lisa Lewis Laura

  6. Weter junior endorse américa leoneli peteson 50

  7. Weter junior endorse américa leoneli peteson 50

  8. God please help these people!😟💓

  9. Almost any sort of preventative small medicine, some of which might be a vaccine (for example medicines taken to prevent malaria) as long as they are small, able to be secured, and facing challenges of logistics to get to the pertaining medical staff can be sent (over five hundred kilometres) about 520KM by an HH-100 UAS (China) cargo drone (or equivalent) which has a maximum take-off weight of two metric tonnes, capable of including a payload of 700 Kilograms with a five thousand KM altitude and cruising speed of 300 kilometres per hour. A runway (with some computerised comms equipment and electrical solar-charging) for landing and take-off and refuelling in the East of Congo would however need to be built flat, even though it would only need to be of a smaller size compared to a runway for larger manned aircraft. Flora and fauna can be an issue with even small infrastructure such as that and so, whilst it would be fenced off for usage only by the authorised personnel using OAuthLogonUsbRfid devices (like a library card but key shaped for Multi Factor Authentication), ecology-rangers who have rifles (of .300 Mag or similar) with not just optics but also iron-sights for dangerous game would need to be technically able to handle fixing a drone with tools and computerised system-reading equipment (propagating a signal back to the far away airport HQ) if it needed repair including dismantling one to package into a spare drone to send back to its source if needed which would probably be the airport far away elsewhere in Congo (DRC). Beam-forming of Software DefinedRadioUSB dongles would be able to use satellite dishes (and GPS waveform or similar data) so weather conditions could be picked up by the drone and the small-landing-strip base and the HQ which is nearer to the bigger airport. A halfway landing-strip (runway also for take-off) with a fenced-off area and ecology-rangers with the same skills would be best to make also just to be sure. Sent a mini-digger and fuels, it could be done, even if the mini-digger was sent in parts, air-dropped in a safe manner, to be assembled on site. Many drone journeys afterwards would be needed to send medical treatments but it would be fairly speedy once established and the division of medical consignments into such smaller cargo journeys by drone could have a positive effect (benefit) of reducing the changes of losses whilst allowing for some cool-box storage in the cargo drone. A diesel pyrolysis machine (for making fuel from plastics) would be worthwhile at the fenced off landing-strips and runways (operated by the skills-trained ecology rangers who keep valuables and rifles in a gun-safe to log by computer, with the library-card style USB devices for on sensors and readers, every time such things are used, where, when, how and by whom for what purpose). Since we're contributing to this mpox cause as funder members of the public to Oxfam and British Red Cross (not just UNHCR and MSF as with previous drives), those charities have connections with tech in the British Isles that can provide information on how to do much of the computer work and comms.
    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining… Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

  10. Great news!!!

  11. R and D and testing?

  12. How long before more of the same mRNA tech ends up making Africans the new guinea pigs of big pharma. At least the shown JYNNEOS vax is from a live culture – unfortunately, these trials have not taken place for very long, and involved less that 8000 participants.

  13. Is it still confined to homosexual communities or has it spread to the rest of us yet?

  14. Respectful Greetings!
    To: BBC News.
    On my own behalf, I thank the efforts of the European Union and the World Health Organization for their commitment to distributing vaccines against monkeypox to our African continent, especially to countries severely affected by this contagious disease.

    En mon nom personnel, je remercie les efforts de l'Union européenne et de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé pour leur engagement à distribuer des vaccins contre la variole du singe sur notre continent africain, en particulier dans les pays gravement touchés par cette maladie contagieuse.

    In response to the escalating mpox outbreak in Africa, the European Commission's Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) has announced a significant collaboration with the pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic. Together, they will supply over 215,000 doses of the MVA-BN® vaccine, the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA)-approved vaccine for mpox, to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Epidemiological situation in Africa

    In 2024, over 20 000 mpox cases, including over 600 deaths (confirmed and suspected), due to MPXV clade I and clade II have been reported from Africa Union Member States, including over 5000 confirmed cases, according to the Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Report issued on 31 August 2024 and the WHO AFRO weekly report of 30 August. The reporting countries are Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Gabon, Liberia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.

    The epidemiological situation remains similar to the previous week. Since the previous update, one new country, Guinea, has reported one mpox case. The clade has not yet been determined (WHO Global update reporting data as of 1 September and media reported on it quoting official authorities).

    The two countries reporting the largest numbers of cases in recent weeks remain the DRC and Burundi:

    The DRC continues to report the highest number of mpox cases in Africa, with 1 838 confirmed, 1 095 suspected cases and 35 deaths reported since 23 August, and as of 30 August (Africa CDC report). The cumulative number of cases in 2024 is over 20 000 infections (4 799 confirmed and 17 801 suspected), including 610 deaths (Africa CDC Epidemic Intelligence Report issued on 31 August 2024). According to the WHO Global report on mpox, 27 confirmed mpox deaths have been reported in the DRC overall, 25 in 2024 as of 25 August. MPXV clades Ia and clade Ib are circulating. The majority of cases and deaths reported are among <15-year-olds (66% of cases and 82% of deaths) while males account for 73% of all people with mpox, according to Africa CDC.
    In Burundi, as of 1 September 2024, 328 confirmed cases have been reported according to the WHO (2022-24 Mpox (Monkeypox) Outbreak: Global Trends). According to the WHO AFRO weekly situation report of 30 August, cases were reported from 29 of 49 districts. Over a third of cases (37.5%) were reported among children under 10 years (24% among <5-year-olds) and 24.6% among those aged 20 to 30 years. There is a slight preponderance of males among cases (56%). The test positivity rate is 37.6% (455 tests conducted in total, as of 28 August).
    Additional updates:

    As of 2 September, Uganda had reported 10 confirmed mpox cases. Of these, seven were reported outside Kasese, which is the area bordering the DRC where three cases have been reported overall (including the first two cases reported in Uganda). At least seven cases have no history of travel in affected areas and two were reported from Kampala.
    Kenya has reported five mpox cases. The first two cases were males who had been detected at points of entry. The third case, reported on 30 August, is a female with travel history to Uganda. The case was reported in Nairobi. On 31 August, a fourth case was reported from Nakuru country (travel history to Rwanda) and a fifth case linked to the fourth was reported on 6 September. Clade Ib has been detected.
    Liberia reported one mpox case on 2 September 2024 and another one on 7 September 2024, although the clade has not been identified yet. An additional six cases have been reported to date in 2024, the most recent in August but before the declaration of the Public Health Emergency of Continental Security by Africa CDC on 13 August 2024. In total, eight cases have been reported in the country.
    On 13 August 2024, Africa CDC declared mpox a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security. On 14 August 2024, WHO convened a meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee to discuss the mpox upsurge and declared the current outbreak of mpox due to MPXV clade I a public health emergency of international concern.

    Luís Van-Dúnem

  15. Thank God… I hope they don’t make politics with it🙄and share it fairly . Only those from Africa will understand what am saying.

  16. 2025 ( If Donald as President) : Putin negotiating to stop the war by staying with a few parts of Ukraine territory to be attached to Russia.
    2026 ( Donald as President) : Putin patiently waits until the end of the Trump mandate to finish with his invasion project.
    2030 ( Trump out of Presidency): Putin advanced to take all Ukraine's territories, if Trump no longer became a President.
    2031 ( Trump out of Presidency): Putin's strategy – uproar the US democracy by causing internal interference, ( Only to deal with Trump).


  18. Not our problem.

  19. Lo que estan tapando todos pagados por su silencio es terrorifico de verdad monstruoso.

  20. So humans are now test subject s

  21. The Whiteman arsonists.

  22. BBC love nothing more than a good vaccine story . Planting the seed early , very clever 👏🏼

  23. Big Pharma can keep their poison. Didn't fall for the last hoax so they've got no customers in my house.


  25. U Avganistanu ljudi umiru bez hrane dok se u Evropi baca mnogo hrane i ljudi su gojazni!

  26. Weeks before they even begin to distribute the vaccine!?
    How many infections are going to occur during this time? I feel like there’s a lack of appropriate urgency.

  27. Thank god the BBC is here to inform us all what to think and what to fear.

    Where would we all be without it rammed down my throat everywhere I go for breakfast 👍

  28. A country that deals with ebola and who knows what other diseases you would think that they would have a system in place.

  29. looks like guinea pig time 2.0

  30. No be fair, in this case, not being jabbed is good prevention. The outbreak in Madrid was centred on a gay sauna and the more recent outbreak in New Zealand was centred at the gay-fest in aptly named Queenstown.

  31. Great

  32. СМИ: оправдывающее Валиеву заключение эксперта WADA исчезло из дела до суда
    МОСКВА, 12 сен — РИА Новости. Руководство Всемирного антидопингового агентства (WADA) скрыло заключение научного эксперта, который подтвердил версию российской фигуристки Камилы Валиевой о возможности попадания запрещенного препарата в ее организм через десерт, сообщает Ассошиэйтед Пресс.
    в новости нет самой новости. ни МОК ни WADA не являются организацией по защите прав спортсменов. это сутенеры которые продают живой товар своим спонсорам. по высшему сервису. и всё. все кто против этого "бизнеса", всех кто не согласен подчиниться – тихо подставят и вычеркнут из списка выступающих. доходный бизнес! миллиарды долларов на кону! известность! слава!
    подставить же невероятно легко – все спортсмены сидят на таблетках и стимуляторах из за нечеловеческих перегрузок на организм. ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЙ НЕТ. так продиктовала Физика и Биология – все легкие высоты на которые был способен человек без дополнительных веществ в организме, уже были взяты и зарегистрированы. нет пути назад. но есть дорога вперед, где сопротивление среды становится сильнее с каждой отвоеванной милисекундой. а теперь внимание вопрос – составит ли большого труда обвинить спортсмена в доппинге если они все находятся на допинге? конечно нет. достаточно из 1 000 000 "легальных" веществ выбрать то которое использует спортсмен или национальная сборная, и обьявить его вне закона. это нельзя а всё остальное – можно. зато как грохнет заголовок во всех СМИ! рявкнет как артиллерииское орудие! "спортсмен попался на доппинге! мошенник!" а они все – мошенники. потому что у них босс мошенник и сутенер…

  33. As a straight white male I was born vaccinated from Mpox.

  34. Maybe tell them to stop making love to the monkeys???🤷🏻‍♂️

  35. Jean Claude Junior wears XXL buttblugs and no panties on public transport

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