Jordan Chiles speaks out after being stripped of bronze medal


The Team USA gymnast said in an interview with Forbes that her “skin color” played a role in the decision over her medal.

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  1. I mean… I don't think it was ever about race for this decision. It was more about how the refs fucked up and mis-scored her, and then the USA team also fucking up and not correcting them in time.

  2. All the conservatives getting riled up by what Jordan is saying and posting nasty comments are just proving her right. I assume you haven't seen the clip of the young black Irish girl gymnast getting skipped over in an award ceremony. It went so viral that even Simone Biles responded. Racism in this sport is very much alive even though it seems odd in the age of Simone and her dominance.

    The fact public opinion on this dispute favors the white girl, Ana, is evidence of racism. Both have equal claim to the medal all hinging on whether Jordan's was on time or not, which is not clear at all despite the CAS's (hasty) decision.

    Furthermore, CAS was not looking at anyone's actual performance. The judges in the field of play accepted Jordan's inquiry AND raised her score, which indicates they believed she was better. If you don't know, your score can actually get lowered as a result of an inquiry; that's happened before. Coaches need to consider that in deciding whether to file. We are not AG coaches or brevet judges so we are not in a position to disagree with the substance of the inquiry. Ditto for the CAS.

  3. special moment there? Lol. yeah, great storied history for young women, represented by that guy.

  4. Lord here we go with the race bullshit. Yea it’s about skin color that’s why the entire gymnastics events were dominated by Simone biles a dark skin woman and Rebecca Andrade a black Brazilian woman. I can’t with these chronic VICTIMS

  5. That conservatives are getting so riled up by what Jordan said and posting nasty responses is just proving her right. I presume you all haven't seen that clip where a little black Irish girl gymnast was skipped over during an award ceremony. It went viral to the point that even Simone Biles responded. Racism in this sport is alive and well even though it may seem odd in the age of Simone and her dominance.

  6. I was thinking the opposite, she was given the medal due to race for the racist photo op, then it was time to give it to the real winner. Unreal.

  7. Man she s soo fake….i m soo sorry for her no honor or dignity no sportsmanship..she can t take the loss it s just a greedy person i guess like america after other nations oil:))

  8. Race card was so 2016

  9. I have seen the opposite also said that it was racism that put Jordan on the podium so that they could have an all black podium even when both Romanians were better. I personally don’t believe race had anything to do with any of it it was just the incompetence of judges and then the fig and ioc not doing anything to support all 3 gymnasts.

  10. Dear Ms. Childs..Jordan. we urge you with love and support to ignore the haters….we canot hijack your experience and we are sorry that we cannot do anything much other then act against the injudice…sure we happen to be white…but this is crap totally crap…you are loved, admired, makes me tear up to think of the hurt people are trying to do to you…we stand with you and against any such injustice…any… are a brilliant athlete… a powerful and fierce young lady forward…we will always cheer for you….xxxx

  11. thank you for pushing division to save face

  12. If it is about skin color, why did not they strip off all medalists?

  13. Absolutely!! Jordan Chiles is RIGHT: it was RACISM vs WHITE SUPREMACY!!!
    The panel of judges were right to change the correct score because of the technical component of difficulty!!!
    Ana was the one at fault, celebrating with her flag parading on the podium before her name was OFFICIALLY released as the bronze medalist…
    And when Ana realized that she was off the podium, she threw her flag down and cried like she was two years old…
    Jordan Chiles won that bronze medal and not 🚭🚫 Romanian gymast Ana B, nor Sabrina who mother and coach could have protested her daughter"s score of the out of bounds, but actually her foot was on the line but not 🚭🚫 touching the line, but it still is a -1 deduction regardless like other gymnists had to endure the same penalty: so Romanian gymast coaches left it alone and didn't bother to make that inquiry for sixty seconds ( one minute).
    That is the rules and regulations of the FIG for coaches who defend their athletes to settle all dispute of the scoring…
    It's the sport!!!
    The Romanian gymast Ana B, Sabrina's coach and mother, other Romanians and Romanian Gymast Nadia Comaneci vented out their frustration about FOUL PLAY against the Romanian gymast..
    After they (the ROMANIANS) criticized Jordan's floor routine and her elevated scoring: social media network globally was unkind; Jordan was labeled as a cheater and she was called the N-WORD by the ROMANIANS and fans of the ROMANIANS..
    The Romanian Federation appealed the next day after that iconic podium of three women of color that went viral..
    The Romanian Federation gave an ultimatum about the closing ceremony participation and appealed the Jordan's case and the Sabrina's case to the CAS: that Court is specifically functioning for anti doping cases, misconducts, and violating rules and regulations of the IOC… Not about the Jordan's floor exercise and the changes, not the Sabrina's out of bounds case either by right..
    But the leader of CAS is a Romanian advocate for decades, did a red tape by sidelined the Americans and underhanded the AMERICANS by getting in touch with the wrong group, and stripped Jordan Chiles of her third place by lying about Shar'Carri Richardson's sprint of the coach of Jordan before the allotted time expired; in other words, she was on time…
    As a spectator, I witnessed Jordan's coach made a sprint to the floor panel of judges..
    And furthermore, if the coach of Jordan was LATE for even a second, the inquiry would be REJECTED, and DEFINITELY DENIED, but it was ACTUALLY ACCEPTED and the score CHANGED.
    The judges on the floor did their job… But not 🚭🚫 the CAS …
    The AMERICANS found out Monday and IOC demanded Jordan to reallocate the bronze medal to poor SPORTSMANSHIP, Ana B after the right American group informed CAS that they have evidence of everything was according to the rules and regulations of FIG: but the AMERICANS were DENIED, and the FIGHT continues for justice for JORDAN CHILES who deserved that bronze medal! And the medal of.. MERIT!!!
    The Romanian Federation is trying to save face when Jordan Chiles was vicious attack by the social media network globally that Jordan had to release a statement that she would not be on the Internet..
    Nadia Comaneci realized what she had done against Jordan, went on her account to speak against mental health of the athletes…
    But the ROMANIANS never apologized to Jordan Chiles because she is the one who suffered ONLY!!!
    A win for JORDAN, is a win of every gymnast of diversity ethnicity, and that the AMERICANS are fighting this BATTLE ..
    Go USA; go all the way!!!

  14. Typical black American, always the perpetual victim, anything that does not go their way, must be based on race, unlike your racist cesspool of a country, most of the world is mixed race now and happy for it, we do not have systemic racism, segregated neighborhoods and biased towards those of other races unlike you, she did not win the medal and attempting to play the victim card is just pathetic.
    Grow up and accept that not everything in this world can be blamed on your skin color.

  15. Oh the race card at igs finest

  16. Thankful that Jordan provided evidence to support her claim that 'skin color' contributed to her not winning the bronze medal.

  17. Video proving her coaches made inquiry on time. The judge know he is wrong. He intentionally didn't score her correctly because he is part of legal team for the country he is giving the medal too. Cheaters. Jordan earned that medal. Even Rebecca was not scored correctly in many of her events.

  18. you lost one which doesn't compete with over 56… it's not like they stole ALL the awards you have ever earned since elementary as a result of a talent ban like others have experienced in hicktown you essay number one…

  19. We all knew that her race is the Real Reason they took her medal…We support Jordan in her fight to get the Bronze medal that she earned…

  20. with all due respect, she has legit reasons to question her treatment. remember the black gymnast who was ignored at a meet in ireland? there are countless examples she can cite where POC have been discriminated against in sports.

  21. Sorry but this has nothing to do with race. I wish her the best and unfortunately the judges made an error but it has absolutely nothing to do with race for this situation. Please stop using that as leverage.

  22. Playing the RACE CARD again. She said being stripped of the medal is like stripping away who she is. Like Ironman said to Spidey "if you're nothing without the suit – you don't DESERVE the suit". Like she's doing ANYTHING to be relevant and be in the spotlight. smh

  23. the judges screwed up

  24. Y’all hurt this lady’s feelings! How dare you snatch her prize medal!

  25. But this wasn't about her being black. I love Jordan. I love black folks. I am an expert in the sport and have a deep appreciation and love for Jordan's gymnastics and the beauty that her identity as a strong black woman brings to her skills.

    The fact is: She never should've been awarded that bronze medal on floor exercise. Her original score was correct and the review her coach inquired for should never have been accepted. That's what gave her the bronze medal.

    If she is saying the bronze was taken away because she's black; that means it was given to her in the first place because she's black.

  26. The funny thing is that 4 second time difference their talking about has no weight to it because team USA has video evidence with the time stamps that show they talked to the judges within the legal time and they still ignored it

  27. ABC deleting my first comment saying the once dominant Romanians couldn’t handle a white lady (Ana) crying in the expense of a Black lady celebrating (Jordan) is wild!

    So I’m writing it again. Mixed in with Romania’s head lawyer also being the head of CAS, represent a conflict of interest, and that’s why we’re here where we are today.

  28. My goodness.

  29. Every mistake she made during her routine was because of the racist oxygen in the air refusing to enter her black lungs. By God, she deserves the gold medal. Her tenure as a professional gymnast pales in comparison to her lifelong pursuit of becoming a professional victim. The dramatic pause and fake tears were a perfect cue for the seals to start clapping on command. You're an inspiration to future victims everywhere.

  30. Everyone who is coming at Jordan for talking about race don’t know what they’re talking about. Jordan’s comments on instagram and the things people have been saying on twitter is horrible. The racial slurs being used are disgusting.

  31. And not surprisingly on the interview the morning.I saw jordan bring up the race card.

  32. She was not stripped.
    I watched both performances and the Romanian girl did do a better job.
    So the proper person got the medal.

  33. What the hell is with those eye lids and fingernails?

    My God, she looks like a vampire….

    These girls have many many problems in their head

  34. It's not over yet, but it's over.😂

  35. This is one of the most disgusting thing I've ever heard! 😭 People who try and pull people down, at any cost should not be aloud to participate in something as wonderful and amazing as the Olympics. There's one thing though, I hate to believe this had anything as profound as COLOR! When will this when will this end we are all people of COLOR. In turn Jordan I am sorry!!!

  36. Is she gonna complain about her hair and those eyelashes ?

    Was she forced to wear them for the interview ?

  37. All about race

  38. where is the full interview

  39. You just lost all respect making this about your skin color!

  40. That cry at 0:37 was so fake. This is a person who is mad that she didn't win over a 4 second technicality. She's just calling it racism for sympathy.

  41. All throughout history and in the future black people always discriminated against.

  42. Cost of food shelter energy up double digits under the biden-harris administration right before an election..
    You're all very delusional..😊

  43. They need to stop the pity party….if you look at ALL of the scores and correct all of the judging errors, the Romanian that ended up 5th would have been the Bronze medal winner, so Chiles didn't EARN 3rd place anyway…..

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