Harris calls for another debate with Trump, says ‘we owe it to the voters’


Kamala Harris held rallies in North Carolina, first in Charlotte andthen in Greensboro, calling for another debate with Donald Trump, two days after her first debate against the former president in Philadelphia. ‘I believe we owe it to the voters to have another debate,’ she said, ‘because this election and what is at stake could not be more important
Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. will it change the race?
2024 US presidential polls tracker: Trump v Harris latest national averages
‘We owe it to voters’: Harris calls for another debate at North Carolina rallies


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  1. kamala didnt answer hardly any questions , just word salads about her upbringing ina poor family , which is LIES , her family were Slv owners

  2. I'd like to see another debate. Trump said, for example, that immigrants come over from insane asylums in countries that don't exist so that they can eat the dogs and cats and take more than 100% of the jobs. I want to hear more gems like that.

  3. Why? Has she had time to prepare a cheat sheet this time or paid the moderators double?
    Losers always try the “best out of three” tactic

  4. You cheated miss , audio ear receiving ear rings

  5. No war with trump, get him back.

  6. They're eating the 🐶, they're eating the 🐱, they're eating, they're eating the PETS 😂

    Every time he opens his mouth the world laughs at us. Please no more debates, Donnie's senile. America deserves better.

  7. TRUMP will destroy her with facts this time not emotion.

  8. Sure, as long as it's not 3 on 1 this time. It's since become known that one of the moderators was Harris's sorority sister. It's a joke.

  9. She wants another debate because she knows… It's over. Trump's team wouldn't have told him to avoid the debate if it were not already in the bag.

  10. The fact that all the people at the back are paid!!! 😂😂😂

    Whats a small girl doing there???

  11. He's got no plan for sorting out all the mess me and Joe have msde

  12. Lets have another debate, lets have Fox ask the questions. It was pretty obvious Mamala was given the questions so she could rehearse how to talk around the issues. Its digusting seeing how the mainstream media has it out for The Best President Of The United States since Ronald Reagan

  13. Another debate Another embarrassment 😂

  14. remove trump from the equation if you vote for this woman the world ends as we know it

  15. He’s never gonna do it he’s a coward

  16. Harris looking through résumés of preferred moderators for the next debate…

  17. Where's the "Memba" and "Sixty Fo" accent? 🤣🤣🤣

  18. She talks just like Obama

  19. Fox news invited Harris for debate, but she didn't show up. What is Harris talking about ?

  20. inotice her accent changes depending on state she is in. hmmmmmm.

  21. She’s wearing those same ear rings again

  22. Cheaters never prosper

  23. On Fox

  24. I need another debate! I want to know more about insane Haitian migrants and teachers eating dogs while performing gender change in school!!🙄

  25. Lfg Harris/Walz💙!

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