Garland vows DOJ won’t be used as ‘political weapon’


Garland delivered remarks to the Justice Department workforce Thursday urging they continue to adhere to longstanding principles intended to protect the DOJ from improper politicization.

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  2. They have been for the past 4 years so what's stopping them now?

  3. Not holding Trump accountable faster IS political. The DOJ prosecuting over 1000 people over January 6th and not pushing to hold the person mostly responsible is a political decision. The justice system has failed to hold Trump accountable for crimes we all saw him commit. I'm sure accountability will come, but now that they're letting an election influence their timelines…that too is political.

  4. He has surely proved this for the last 4 years he won’t do anything to anyone especially trump

  5. If he's not extremely political, why is this on ABC News? I trust actions not words. His actions are in direct opposition to his words. When they charge Joe Biden, for stealing top secret files as a senator and vice president, they will have a little credibility. Right now I just see weaponization of the DOJ against the Right.  

    I look forward to Trump investigating them… The over amplified clapping sounds as fake and false as his words!


  7. Yall have done been proven to be politically dfined for the left. TOO LATE Garland.

  8. 3 1/2 years and now you're going to say you back your people? You got 4 months left and you haven't been able to punch your way out of a paper bag. I'll ask just one question of Garland: name anyone else in your position who caught a man red handed, with government top secret classified documents after lying about having them and then obstructed the recovery of them and then did not place that person in custody and throw the book at him all the way back to Julius and Ethel Rosenburg punishment? Huh? I thought he was resigning because of the lack of action by him and his department. I guess you can say failure starts at the top, but Biden said he would leave his hands totally off the Justice Dept. When the dust settles from the election I wonder if Joe will pardon Hunter?

  9. Translation: "We're getting ready to pull something."

  10. This is very important to usher jour election through the process this time. Merrick is documenting everything. I like that a major league legal eagle like Merrick Garland is on this one. We're going to get democracy whatever that will be. It is important he's doing a job. An election is easy enough to keep things fair. If they elect DT fine. We'll deal with that, but we're not going to bastardize what we do. It is a morality thing.

    If he wins he wins. If Kamala Harris wins, we'll do that. If she wins and they make a claim what are we going to do? We'll go to court, right? Merrick will have all the documents. I take great comfort knowing he's paying close attention to this time period.

    There is a lot going on and he can't talk about all of it. He was talking in terms of numbers of threats. It is alarming because I know we have let the bail bond law go and we're taking information on criminal activity. They are taking a lot of information in. There are multiple problems he is dealing with right now. It is a very big job. Merrick is fit for duty.

  11. Too late.

  12. That's what it's been used as since he's been there…doesn't come clean about anything …the whole department is corrupt

  13. Garland for prison!

  14. Garland doesn't realize how he is being used as a tool. I've had enough of him long ago.

  15. He is preparing the nation to send Trump to jail . What happened to the FBI agents that conspired against Trump they are not in jail, Biden gets away with documents in his garage. I’m sorry but his credibility is ruined

  16. Can't believe some comments, I wish more people would fact check. The rule of law is the difference between Democracy and anarchy. It is crazy nonsense that all cases that have been brought have anything to do with the DOJ, local courts bring cases fact check, also people who are called for jury duty are regular folks who don't know what the case it until BOTH sides choose them. It is also impossible for anyone to say no unless they have a very real credible reason. How would you feel if you or your family were called and you started getting death threats. They listen to evidence from BOTH sides and then judge and then everyone has the right to appeal. Is justice for one side only now.

  17. Talk is cheap. Actually do something to show us you mean what you say.

  18. He let Rachael Rollins violate federal law and lie to the IG! Nothing happened…Garland is F O S.

  19. Thank you.

  20. I hope Kamala Harris will appoint a lion of an AG who will crack down on Trump and all his fellow criminals.

  21. Whoopsie! Too Late. By about three and 1/2 years.

  22. I'm betting what Garland meant to say is that he would not recognize the DOJ any more.Because that's all the d o j has been doing for the last 324 years is being weaponized against Donald Trump.
    Something else I find funny….. I use speech to text a lot and when I say Joe Biden's name, it comes up spelled properly with capitals.
    When I say Donald Trump's name, it comes up oftentimes mispelled with no capitals.

  23. Joe Biden’s DOJ is an evil

  24. As a lifelong Democrat, I was not going to vote for Biden (sit out) because of Garland! Garland should have been fired but Biden is so old he’s unaware.

    Garland is a derelict of an AG.

    He sounds just like that NY Judge Merchan who declined to sentence Trump for his guilty verdict for 34 felonies because of politics!

    Garland is a Harvard lawyer, a charter member of the Federalist society. He keeps admitting that political perception stops him from prosecuting Republicans.

  25. God was doing his job very well when you did not get on SCOTUS


  27. Trump Is Lie Look into his eyes and into his face Lie with a cynic.!!God says Trump was never for be President do you understand we are in danger with Trum
    Tromp cannot be president and it is a fatal error!
    God says Trump was never for be President do you understand we Trump is not president, he plays dirty with the people!! He is the wun dangerous and dangerous Tromp breaking The Democracy
    Trump and rotten problem Tromp cannot be president it is a fatal mistake!
    Stop selling the people to billionaire companies and the Court and Government want and those behind the dirty curtains want to Turn the Country into a puppeteer at War
    And why Gobernó is from head to head.
    And that's why the Government is upside down..
    Stop teaching the people violence Dividing the people to do your dirty work it's wron evil
    God sent a message to the Government for wars, And the people know that God sent a message to the Government to end wars Peace.And because of this, the country has to change these people and judges and court now , is upside down. And that's why the country is in a mess Divine Apostolic Mother of God is just giving time. Question the mistakes that are made to the people in general. Stop with so many lies and evil. Stop making the people stand together and fight for their rights. This is the time for the democrats. Help those on both sides. Balance the truth Parem Stop sBoth sides put the truth on the table, people's lives are at stake
    Republic and NPA and Democratic organizations the people know that elling the people to multi-million dollar companies to wage wars in the government, in the court, enslaving the people, taking away the rights of workers, enslaving the people for the millionaires, stop the cruelties, stop killing the people. You will pay dearly, God is in control, God is in this nation!

  28. To the FBI: Thank you for your service.

  29. It's all bullshit. The damage is already done. We the people have had enough


  31. Been done already!

  32. No government department is more corrupt and weaponized than the department of justice.

  33. Finally someone being upfront with us that have done our own research since J6. Thank you ABC for not bending to lies of MAGA and their hate filled propaganda. There is no room for it in our country. And thank you to the states and its courts for defending the people from what is said on the streets vs what’s said in the court of law.

  34. No other DOJ inherited the volume of serious crimes that Garland did

  35. Horrible GOP in support of their power-hungry leader. Weak individuals who seek their sychophantic roles in the hope that they'll gain power by association.

  36. Liar, liar pants on fire. Garland needs an extended vacation in Gitmo

  37. Sorry Trolls out in force. Trump and his AG Barr are Traitors and it's taken years for Garland to weed out the maga stench from the DOJ. Most wanting immediate action have zero clue what is involved period. Garland has done the best he could with the hand he was dealt. Remember the Crooked SC can block his any move. Thanks for your service 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  38. Actions speak louder than words Mr Garland. Do something.

  39. Under Garland the DOJ is already being used as a political weapon!! Garland is a disgraced LIAR!!!!!

  40. Garland, Blinken, Mayorkas and Yellin.
    Golly, what do these people have in common?🤔

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