Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by top EU court. #Apple #BBCNews

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  1. 13bn straight to the Dáils pocket more like

  2. Since I was born in the 80s in Ireland but moved away now, almost every day I people have been in the news because of some form of corruption. They are quite ridiculous. In the capital, I have been robbed at most stages of my life, either your washing line 😂 or bank account. It's a bout of daily tribunals and large stout and plump country chaps doing some doggy land deals or construction rackets. It beggers belief. I've had over 100 cycles of mostly poor second-hand quality stolen over the years. You can't even work, and they want you greecing the wheels of the unemployment system with hundreds of euros a week for sitting on your arse and hundreds more for your rent.

    Money is poured down the drain on nonsense projects from spires to flat estates, which are riddled with drugs and knocked down every few years.

    You can be sure apple was definitely paying someone something. There not innocent or dumb at all 😂

    Lol who on earth sits on 13 billion while the the usa goes down the pan to China and Russia 😂 you can't write this stuff

  3. Your forehead is fucked 😊

  4. I wonder if I will get a refund for the €100 a&e fee now

  5. Ouch.
    But Apple can afford it.

  6. The Irish government just paid 336 thousand euro for a bike shelter outside Leinster house, so theyll be able to build more of those👍🏻

  7. F apple

  8. Well then the bbc should stop getting money from the government then as it’s not available to other companies

  9. Since Steve Jobs died Apple is not a special company its doesnt deserve special treatment.

  10. And all the money will go the illegals immigrants

  11. Yeah and the Irish people won’t see a cent

  12. Apple and Google should pay taxes for law breaches and European dictatorship!

  13. 😂😂Fuck yeah! Pay that crap apple! U guys suck now! I only use it cuz im afraid to switch but im on to you! N your annoying control over everything with no customer service! U guys dont even protect from fraud like before. So hell yeah! Loose that money! Thats how I felt! Disapointed!

  14. Apple is why our privacy is invaded) Serve us right 🎗️🌞

  15. finally a white narrator

  16. Smart move to fight it when you think about it. Gained €13B whilst assuring MNCs that the government here cares about their business. They only spent a fraction of that on the legal fees (around €10m)
    The government has changed their policy since then so they don’t even have to defend the decision and now they have more money to spend on bike shelters

  17. Tax havens are great

  18. I’m pleased about this. I pay so much for my Apple devices and services, and would rather they pay taxes properly, than line the pockets of their extremely rich executives and shareholders. Apple is a great company but the leaders need to be more responsible.

  19. Defund the BBC

  20. Ireland is a dirty money laundering off shore for US Corporate.

  21. Is it wise for Ireland to give preferential tax treatment which its own companies do not receive? Is it a race to the bottom, like the UK Tory government paying Indian and Chinese UK based companies hundreds of millions of pounds to support them?

  22. Either Ireland takes the money or the rest sue the Irish Republic for the same terms as apple.


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