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the-bachelorette/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>The Bachelorette Season 21 is down to its final few episodes, and this week Jenn Tran and her three remaining men headed to the island of Hawai’i for Fantasy Suite Week.

Before Jenn embarked on the latest round of make-it-or-break-it dates, she met up with Bachelor Nation alum Molly Mesnick for the first time since that Sam M. disaster date. The Bachelor Season 13 alum, who’s been married to Jason Mesnick for 15 years, reminded Jenn that Fantasy Suite Week is the most important week of the experience because crucial alone time allows for deep conversations. And Jenn shared the pros and cons of her remaining guys.

The Season 21 lead explained that Jonathon Johnson was “a bit of a slower burn” at the start, but she’s falling for him and wants him to relax, let his guard down, and be more vulnerable. As for Marcus Shoberg, Jenn admitted she’s always seen a future with him but fears she’s putting in more effort and feelings. And she shared that Devin Strader gets her and is in love with her, but she’s worried she’ll self-sabotage their connection.

Molly reminded Jenn that she deserves someone amazing and even took a moment to share her Top 3 pick: Jonathon. (Same, girl! Same.) During the pivotal episode, Jenn only said “I love you” to one man. So was Jonathon the guy? Were Devin’s feelings finally reciprocated? Or was Marcus spooked by Jenn taking another step forward? We’ve got answers!

Wondering how Fantasy Suite Week went for Jenn, Devin, Jonathon, and Marcus? Curious who went home after overnight dates? Decider’s Fantasy Suite recap has you covered. Here’s everything you missed during The Bachelorette Season 21, Episode 8.

Jenn Tran on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

Jenn Tran and Devin Strader‘s Fantasy Suite Date Recap: He Loves You, She Loves You Not

Going into Fantasy Suite Week, Jenn knew that Devin was in love with her. What she didn’t know, was how absolutely desperate he was for reassurance that she loved him, too. In front of cameras (and his pal Jesse Palmer during a game of golf), Devin admitted that he’d need to hear those three words before getting down on one knee. In front of Jenn, however, he did his best to play it cool. (By that, we mean he overcorrected and greeted her with a “What’s up baby girl?!”) 

The two hopped on a helicopter and took in the epic scenery, stopping at a waterfall, popping champagne, and sitting on a beach for the first of many deep chats. Devin shared that he missed everyday life and longed to get back to work, buy a house, go on normal dates, and raise kids one day. In other words, he reiterated that he was all-in in hopes that it would make Jenn feel safe enough to fall harder. Instead, she told cameras she needed more time for her feelings to catch up and told Devin that while she knows he’s a good thing, she struggles to accept those in her life.

Jenn Tran and Devin on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

Devin assured her that she’s worth the wait, but whenever he got alone time with the cameras, his insecurities spiraled out of control. At dinner, he pressed Jenn to explain why she felt she couldn’t accept good things, and she said their relationship and how much he meant to her felt too good to be true — so good that she wanted to run away from it. (Before we psychoanalyze Jenn, she admitted it wasn’t the healthiest way of thinking about things! At least there’s some self-awareness? But also, this episode reiterated that Jenn and her boys would benefit from some therapy! As would we all!) Anyway, Jenn shared weighty, incredibly kind words, but what she didn’t share was an “I love you,” the only thing Devin really wanted. As Jenn continued praising their connection and skillfully avoiding the L-word, Devin’s mounting frustration and disappointment was palpable.

He reminded her that he was fully ready for an engagement and accepted her Fantasy Suite invite. After more champagne and another bedtop make-out sesh, it was lights out until morning, where the two woke up laughing and vaguely reminiscing over their “amazing night.” Jenn easily could have said nothing, but in keeping the Season 21 tradition alive, she explained, “People say Devin looks like Pete Davidson, but after last night, I think he’s better than Pete Davidson in every way.” GIRL, WHAT?! Pete Davidson would very much like to be removed from this narrative, I’m sure! The date ended with a toast to “much-needed quality time together, feeling aligned in our future, and to us,” and Devin parted ways with Jenn feeling “calm” and “comfortable.” Let the record show, however, that when he told Jenn he loved her a final time, she didn’t say it back. But more on that later…

Jenn Tran and Jonathon Johnson‘s Fantasy Suite Date Recap: Unproblematic Fave

Molly Mesnick was rooting for Jonathon ahead of Fantasy Suites, and by the end of the episode, Bachelor Nation should have been rooting for him, too. The man who invented Shorts excitedly met Jenn for another genuine jump-hug reunion and headed out on his surprise date.

Jenn Tran and Jonathon Johnson on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

Remember Jeremy Simon? Stew Leonard’s Hometown Date God? Does anyone have eyes on this man? Is he OK?! I’m asking because Jenn’s surprise date for Jonathon was HITTING UP SOME MARKETS, in a devastating betrayal of her and Jeremy’s market date tradition. Jenn’s goal for the day wasn’t simply to see Jonathon get out of head, she also wanted to see him eat some sweets. After a convincing, “Sorry, baby. Time to break the diet,” the two sampled donuts, shaved ice, and an assortment of other sweet treats before taking a picnic basket to — wait for it — a waterfall, in a devastating betrayal of her and Devin’s special date! (*Lorelai Gilmore voice* I’m just being dramatic. It’s what I do.)

Jenn admitted she was feeling the strain of an engagement growing nearer, and Jonathon stressed that he wanted to be a calming presence for her whenever they were together. Jenn appreciated his lack of drama, but she urged him not to hold back honest emotions. The two went for a romantic swim with smooches galore thenheaded to a charcuterie board “dinner” date where Jenn opened up about her struggles with self-confidence. She shared that growing up fully Vietnamese with immigrant parents and living in a white-dominated suburban town made it hard for her to accept her identity. Because it took her so long to celebrate her family, individuality, and culture, she wants to make sure she helps her kids learn and celebrate what makes them special. Jonathon said he would love a mixed household and talked about how his white mom helped instill confidence in him and supported him growing up. “I want [my kids] to just go through life confident as hell knowing that who they are is so amazing,” he said, before admitting he could see their future together.

Jenn Tran and Jonathon Johnson on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

After a classic Bachelorette Fantasy Suite tease with more champagne and more bed kissing, Jenn admitted that being with Jonathon was easy and she felt like she could spend the rest of her life with him. In the morning the two woke up smiling (but not laughing!) and Jenn declared: “I can’t believe I’m in bed with Mummy Man from Night 1.” We’re not saying Jonathan is without issues, but for the purposes of this episode, he’s officially our unproblematic fave. (Even if Jesse Palmer didn’t play golf with him?! Is that a bad edit omen?!)

Jenn Tran And Marcus Shoberg‘s Fantasy Date Recap: She Loves You, He Loves You Not

Last but certainly not least (because he also hit the green with Jesse Palmer, so he must be important!) was Marcus, fresh off what Decider deemed a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Hometown Date because of his unspoken reservations about Jenn and an engagement. In a hopeful move, Marcus quickly told Jesse that he had a lot of things to figure out, and though Jenn’s falling for him, he thinks she’s a bit ahead of him. “As well as things are going with us, I’m not to the point of being in love yet,” he admitted. “I haven’t had that epiphany or feeling yet. I’m doing everything I can do to get there…I think it’d be wrong getting down on knee right now with so much uncertainty.”

Jenn Tran and Marcus on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

Jenn, self-aware as always, went into the date with suspicions that she was emotionally further along than Marcus. Why? Because she’s IN LOVE with him. That’s right, folks! She’s been feeling it “for a couple of weeks now” and will somebody please check on Devin!? This is his worst fear! As far as Fantasy Suite dates go, Jenn made very little effort to hide the fact that she thought her date with Marcus was the coolest of the week. (Which made sense, because he was the only guy there who she loved!) She took him on a boat where they talked until the sun went down. Then they strapped on snorkeling gear and went swimming with manta rays to see them light up in the dark.

Ahead of dinner, Marcus gave Jenn a sneak peak at his hesitations, admitting that he’s had a hard time picturing how their lives fit together and is “terrified” of the journey. During dinner, he let it all out, because quite frankly, he had no choice. When Jenn asked Marcus how he was feeling, he admitted he lost confidence waiting for his name to be called during the Hometown Date rose ceremony and has been stuck in his head since. He showered her with compliments and positive affirmations, but once the blow was softened, he dropped the bomb: “I think at the end of the day, why I’m worried, is I feel unsure. And you deserve someone that is sure about you…It’s been hard for me to get to a point where I feel comfortable saying that I’m in love.” Finally! Marcus, we respect the honesty, sir — even if it feels like it’s coming far too late in the game.

Marcus on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

Jenn was clearly shaken by his confession but assured him he didn’t have to apologize for following his heart. Rather than keep her feelings inside, she said, “I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I am in love with you…I needed to say it to get it off my chest, because I would be doing myself a disservice in not saying how I truly feel.” (Devin, we’re sorry bro! Stay strong.) Marcus got emotional and assured her he’d keep trying to meet her where she was at. After saying he was still hopeful about the journey ahead, Jenn gave him the Fantasy Suite key and told cameras, “My biggest hope is he is in love with me by the end of the week,” which is admittedly a WILD thing to say and hear. Nevertheless, they spent the night together and woke up…GIGGLING! (That means Jonathon is now the only guy without morning giggles and a Jesse Palmer golf scene. Is trouble ahead for our Fantasy Suite fave?!) When Jenn left Marcus, the two were visibly in a better place, but she said it’s “terrifying to be in love with someone who isn’t there yet.” And with that full-circle moment, it’s time to check in with Devin.

Pete Davidson Is Down Bad

Every week, Jenn hops on Instagram and plots which Taylor Swift song best represents her journey in the coming episode. This week, we don’t have to wait. We’re here to officially report that Devin’s Week 8 song is “Down Bad.” Everything’s coming out teenage petulance! And if there were a gym, this man would have been crying in it! Instead, he settled for a hotel bar, where he met his golf guy Jesse Palmer for a much needed heart-to-heart.

While Devin’s Fantasy Suite date went great, there was no Pete Davidson comparison in the world good enough to make up for Jenn not saying “I love you.” Devin woke up the next day more anxious and unsure than ever, and though he memorably told Jenn there was no rush on her end during their date, mere hours later that same man was saying, “You can only love someone like that for so long without hearing it back.” (Who’s pulling a Lorelai Gilmore now?! Kidding, kidding.)

Devin on 'The Bachelorette'
Photo: ABC

Pete Devinson told Jesse that he wanted to feel like “The One, not One Of.” Deep. He said he’s been an option in past relationships, so he needs that validation from Jenn. He said he felt “jaded” in a way that’s consumed him since their overnight date, he hasn’t slept, and he regrets playing it cool instead of sharing his true feelings. And he said all of these things while wearing a friendship bracelet that seemed to read “EAT PIZZA.” We just had to get that out.

When Jesse urged Devin to hold on until the rose ceremony, he decided he couldn’t suppress his feelings anymore and headed to Jenn’s room where she excitedly greeted him with a hug. Dun dun dunnnnnn…

The Bachelorette Season 21, Episode 8 Recap: Who Went Home After Fantasy Suites?

So who went home after Fantasy Suite Week on The Bachelorette Season 21, Episode 8? No one! Yet… The episode ended on another rare franchise cliffhanger with Devin vowing to “be brutally honest” with Jenn and saying, “This is probably the end for me, and it scares me to no end.”

We’ll likely learn who goes home during tomorrow night’s special Tuesday Bachelorette episode: Season 21’s “Men Tell All” event airing Tuesday, August 27 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC. So we’ll see you back here for one last pre-finale recap (and some juicy “Men Tell All” updates).

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