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Mr Kennedy hovered around 14% – 16% in polls at his most popular. However, his ratings have slumped to single digits since Ms Harris became the Democratic nominee.

He said in his press conference that he had offered to work with Ms Harris and her bid for the White House.

Democrats sounded unfazed by his announcement.

“Donald Trump isn’t earning an endorsement that’s going to help build support, he’s inheriting the baggage of a failed fringe candidate. Good riddance,” Democratic National Committee senior adviser Mary Beth Cahill said in a statement.

Mr Kennedy’s campaign became synonymous with the anti-vaccine movement as he frequently touted his leadership of the Children’s Health Defense organisation, formerly known as the World Mercury Project.

In recent weeks, Mr Kennedy recounted how he dumped a dead bear cub that had been hit by a car in New York’s Central Park in 2014 as a joke.

Earlier in his campaign, it was revealed that he had suffered from a brain parasite over a decade ago which caused severe memory loss and brain fog.

His announcement capped days of rumour that Mr Kennedy offered to endorse Trump to secure a role in his next administration.

Trump told CNN earlier this week he would “certainly be open” to Mr Kennedy playing a role, while Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr, said he would be suited to “blow up” a federal department.

Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar with the conservative Institute for Policy Innovation, told the BBC that Mr Kennedy’s decision highlighted the two-party system in the US and “how difficult it is to get new ideas and fresh people into the process”.

Mike Wendling also contributed to this report.

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